Dark as Night

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  • Dedicated to Wolf 754M

 Note: This poem may not be copied or reproduced in any way without the author's written permission. Thank you.                                                 

Dark As Night

Pelt of rippling black fur, dark as night    

Darts through the snow, filled with fright.

The wolf runs like the wind that howls through the trees,                                                           

Steam pours from his mouth as he flees.

Gun of man's metal, dark as night

Shines like a diamond of darkness in the light.

Man fingers the trigger, but does not let go,

He waits for the wolf to stop running and slow.

Man's glove made of leather, dark as night

Keeps hold of the trigger, then the wolf comes into sight.

There, sure enough, the wolf does slow,

Man's finger squeezes the trigger, then lets go.

Wolf's pelt of black bristles, dark as night

Stands on end as man's bullet comes into sight

Orange eyes widen as they fill with fear,

Though nothing can help wolf as the bullet comes near.

Man's heart of hatred, dark as night

Smiles as he watches the wolf losing it's life.

Red drops like ruby stains the white snow,

Wolf draws in a ragged last breath, and lets it blow.

The black pelt of the wolf, dark as night

Moves no longer, as wolf goes into the light.

Man's weapon of hatred had won the battle now,

But then, he realized as he wrinkled his brow...

The destruction of a life out of hate is not the way to win a battle. 

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