Ruki x Human!Daughter!Reader

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Not a sound could be heard in the mukami mansion as the 6 year old (Y/n) was sat quietly in her room, reading her favourite book - (F/B)
After a while a small knock came from her door
"(Y/n) honey, dinners ready" Your mother (Yui) called.
"Comeing" You sighed, marking your place in the book and hopping off the bed, to meet your mother on the other side of the door.

"OI! KOU! Give it back!" Boomed the voice of your giant uncle.
"Ha ha, you should watch your food Yuma" Your other annoying uncle smirked.
You noticed your third uncle, Azusa sat quietly pushing his food around the plate, you thought he was always rather strange.
Taking your seat you stared at the meal infront of you, not really hungry. About five minutes later, a tall dark figure appeared in the room, Ruki. Your father always gave you chills, he just seemed unsettling and that's why you were mainly always on your best behaviour around him. The room had gone almost completely quiet with the exception of Kou's happy eating noises. Ruki had taken notice of your lack of eating and questioned you.
"(Y/n) why are you not eating?"
"I don't have an apatite right now"
"Is that so?"
A heavy atmosphere had found it's way in to the dinner room, (You and Ruki don't have a strong father-daughter bond) with you staring at the untouched food and Ruki staring at you with cold eyes.
"Welp, thanks for the meal...uh I'll be going now haha"Kou chuckled nervously
"...I shall...leave too"
The three brothers left to where ever to avoid what ever came next.
"W-well, (Y/n) how about you go outside? It's a lovely evening don't you agree?" Yui smiled
"Okay mother" Getting up, you hoped down from your chair and made your way out of the dining room, that feeling of your father watching your every move never leaving you.

An hour had passed and you were sat on a bench, drawing the scene of the evening sun and the variety of flowers on front of you in your sketchbook. That was until footsteps could be heard behind you.
"What are you doing" The familiar voice of Ruki spoke
"Could I see?"
You hesitated for a while before stoping what you were doing and passing the book behind you to your father.
You could tell he was judging you, and it put an un nice feeling in your gut.
"It's very good, better then what I could do when I was your age..."
That was not what you were expecting
"R-really?" The girl replied quietly, happiness spreading in her small voice
"Mhm hm" Ruki hummed, sitting down next to you and passing the book back.
This time, a soft and gentle feeling hung in the air as he started reading that mysterious book he always had with him and you carried on, determined with your drawing.

Sometimes times like this were nice, even if the two didn't get on very well.

(A.N Sorry of there are any spelling mistakes in this in this, I'll go back and change them later but for how this should be suffice. Also sorry if Ruki was OOC at an stage, I don't pay much attention to him ^^' and also seriously, what's with that blue book he always carrys around? Does it tell him what horse at a horse race will win? (Back to the future reference there :3) haha I don't know anyways hope you enjoyed and cya In the next story~ 😊)

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