Chapter 18 (Final)

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Anthony POV
It's been a few weeks since the incident. The cops were all over the area. They only discovered one body in the rumble. Jordan. As much as I want to feel bad about everything that happened.....I can't. He just went too far, and it had to stop. Adam, Max, and I spent as time together as possible. Yes that included a lot of sex. The rest of our friends were so relieved and happy to see me, us again safe and sound. The guys wanted to have a little celebration for our return. I felt arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. I turn my head slightly to see Max "hey."

"Hey, looks like Ze found someone new." I looked over to see Ze talking to Dially.

"Yeah, I hope it works" I smiled. "Where's Adam?"

"He's talking to Ohm turns out the girl who sacrifice herself was his girlfriend."

"I knew she looked familiar.....there's a chance she could be still alive. The cops only found Jordan's body."

"I know it's possible, but it was a big explosive anything could have happened." We heard the door open behind us, as we Adam and Ohm coming out of the room. Ohm's eyes were blood-shot red and his cheeks were stained with tears. He walked over back to Dlive before a girl walked up them. Solo I think her name was.

"How's he holding up" I asked Adam as soon as he walked over to us.

He sighed "I don't know. He's was quiet. God, I've never seen him like this before."

"I wish there was something we could do" Max sighed.

"Dlive been looking after him. Let's just hope things don't get worse."

I sighed "I'm starting to think having this party wasn't a such a great idea. It's not really a party when all of us aren't having a great time."

"I know we just got try to make the most of it" Max said.

Time Skip to Later
It's been a couple hours since the party has been going on. It was almost time to for everyone to go until Ze stood in front of everyone and turned off the music. Everyone got quiet, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Anthony." I turned to see Adam and Max standing in front of me looking kind of nervous.

"What's going on?"

"Anthony, Max and I have never been so happy to you in our lives. We love to see you smile, laugh, and have fun-"

"And your stupid puns that we pretend aren't funny." I felt my cheeks started to feel hot as I looked down smiling while playing with the end of my flannel. "The point is we want to spend the rest of our lives with you."

"Will you marry us?" My eyes widened as my lip started trembling.

"Yes!" I jumped into our arms as I heard everyone cheering. We kissed before Max pulled a small box out of pocket. The ring had a sliver band and the jewel was green on two sides with red and the middle. Adam slided the ring on my finger as I admire before I flashed a goofy smile.

After everything was set and done, everyone was starting to head out. A few of them stayed to help clean up. As I was wiping the counter down, I saw a dark shape move by the window. I walked towards the window to see Solo running out of the front door to hug the black figure. I slowly made my way outside. As I closer, I could make out the person's face. "Sam?"

She turned towards me "hey Anthony glad to here you guys are ok." She had scars on her face and her arm was wrapped up.

"You're alive!"

She smiled "there's was an escape hatch before the bomb went off." I pulled in her hug.

"I can't thank you for helping us."

"It had to be done. There was no way he was going to stop." I nodded. Ohm.

"Hey do you want to come inside for a bit."

"Oh no, I should be heading out."

"Please just for a few minutes" Solo pleaded.

She sighed "alright just for a few." I lead her in the inside, Solo went ahead to get Ohm.

"So how have you been? It's been weeks since we've seen what happened?"

"I was in the hospital for a week. I didn't get out of the blast range fast enough and I banged up my arm pretty bad. I was also packing everything up heading back home."

"Where's home?"

"Same where your from?"


She nodded "except in Manhattan. I moved to Washington a couple years ago....."

"S-sam?" She turned and her eyes widened and started to tear up.

"R-ryan?" They didn't waste any time to run towards each other embrace. "I thought I lost you" she sobbed.

"I thought I did too" he pulled away slightly and wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry."

"Shh it's okay. I love you."

"I love you too" she smiled as he pulled her in for a kiss. Solo and I shared a smile. Everything turned out okay.

Three Years Later
My life could have better. I'm married to two amazing men. We adopted two kids. A girl and a boy. Anna is 5 and Luke is 7. They're both a handful but I love them to death. Ze and Dially recently got engaged. Sam and Ohm are married and expecting a kid in a few months. "Daddy can read you me a bed time story" I looked down to see Anna tugging on my shirt.

"Sure sweet pea" I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my hips "come on Luke it's bedtime."

"Ten minutes more please the show is almost over."

I smiled "Alright 10 minutes don't forget to brush your teeth."

"I won't." I walked upstairs and situated Anna in bed. She reached under her pillow and pulled out a book.

"I want you to read this one." Dungeons and Dragons

"You always read this one don't you want to read something else." She shook her head. I sighed "Alright." She smiled as she nuzzled into my side.

Life couldn't get better than this.

Hey guys this is it. The final chapter. I was afraid that I was never going to finish it, but I did thanks for all of the support. I can't thank you guys enough. A new book will coming out soon, and it's a H2OVanoss shipping if any of you guys are interested. More information about the book will in other book Can You Save Me? Anyways I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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