Chapter 1

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Anthony POV


I slam my hand on the alarm God, stupid alarm trying to keep sleep and I apart. Welp, mind as well start my day. I got out of bed, took a quick shower and headed to the kitchen. I decided to make waffles but I start to have this weird feeling. It was quiet. Too quiet. Realization hits me; it has been a week since Jess moved out. I was a little hurt when we broke up, but we knew the relationship wasn't working out. She says I spend too much time hanging out with my friends than with her, which I don't deny. I still miss her but at least we became best friends. The smell of something burning breaks me from my thoughts. Oh shit the waffles! I raced over to the stove and only managing to save one of the waffles. *sighs * What a great way to start off my day. Hopefully my friends will cheer me up.  I finished eating my one waffle and headed to my computer. I message Minx, Sark, Adam, Max and Ohm on Skype.
ChilledChaos : Hey you guys are up for some Gmod.

A few minutes later everyone agreed to join except for Sark says he is on baby duty. 

Time Skip from setting up computer

"GODDAMNIT why do I have to be the first seeker" Ohm said. We all started laughing while we scattered away. I haven't been on map before hopefully I can find a good spot. All of sudden I hear Adam's dolphin laugh "Sounds like Adam found a cheesdoodly spot."

"Adam! Are you cheating!?" Ohm yelled. "No, no what are you talking about?  I never cheat. Often." Adam says while giggling. "Chilled where are you?" Max asked. I typed him my location and he asks me if I can get to him. As soon as I was about to respond "No Chilled come to me my spot is better" Adam says.

"Yeah, right a spot where no else can get to besides you" Max says.

"Come on, Max you know I'm the best at hiding." I knew this was going to be a problem. 

"Guys, guys calm down.  I'm perfectly fine with my spot" I said. Everything went silent till I hear a high pitch scream. Looks like Minx got found. "Alright,  Minx sell out your friends" Ohm says.

"I actually don't know where they are."

"Goddamnit." Everyone started laughing. "Oh, wait I remember seeing a V over here." Please god don't let be my V. A second later I spotted two flashlights heading in my direction. I panicked and made a run for. "Oh hi Chilled" Minx says. "Chilled get your ass back here!" Ohm yells.

"No, stay back. Tag me and I won't tell where Max and Adam are." As Ohm was about to respond Minx had tagged me.

"WHAT THE FUCK MINX? HE WAS GONNA SELL THEM OUT." Minx just started laughing "Yeah, right. He was never going to sell them out." With them complaining, the round was over and I hear Max and Adam cheer for joy and I couldn't help but laugh. We played a few more rounds and then Minx and Ohm to go leaving me alone with Adam and Max.

There was an awkward silence then it was broken by Max's voice. "Don't forget PAX is coming up in the next few days."

"Yeah I know I should start packing later on today. What about you Adam?"

"I'm already packed up and everything." I just nodded. We continue to chat and make jokes but I couldn't help to feel a slight tension between them. I wonder what's up with them. Oh well I'll confront them about at PAX.

This took longer than it should because part of the beginning somehow didn't save and I to rewrite it from memory. I hope you guys enjoy!!! :)

I don't know how the dedication works on here but I dedicated this chapter to CHRISTY19887 for encouraging me to write this.

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