Chapter 15

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HOLY SHIT OVER 7K OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY AM I. *dances happily* The support on this story has been so ridiculous thank you all so much. I am sorry that I'm like four months behind, but I've been so so busy. Now onward with the story!!!

Adam, Max and I headed over to the park around the same time they went a few days ago. We walked a long path in silence, but it wasn't awkward more like peaceful. We kept walking and walking till I saw a pond with a bench on side.

"Is this the spot?"

"Yep" Max replied.

"So how long should we wait?"

"Maybe an hour or 2" Adam said. Adam and Max sat on the bench talking. I didn't want to intrude on the conversation, so I stood close by the pond. As I waited, I decided to skip some rocks to kill time. Then I remembered me teaching Chilled.


"Zeeee teach me how to skip rocks."


"Because it looks fun."

I raised my eyebrow "what do I get in return?"

"Come on Zeeee."

"I'm waiting."

He sighed "creamy spinach?"

I chuckled at his fail attempt to tempt me since I'm a vegetarian. "Alright come over here." He flashed his cute smile and quickly race over to me. I gave a rock. "What you want to do is flick your wrist sideways in a upward motion?" I demonstrated and the rock bounce three times. Chilled tried it and the rock went straight in the water.

He whined "ugh it didn't work." I put up another rock and put it in his hand.

"Look you put your thumb on one side and the rest the fingers on the other. Have a nice grip on the rock but not too tight." I grabbed his wrist and arm "make your elbow is slightly bent and flick your wrist like this." I moved his wrist back and forth making sure he gets used it. I stepped back "now you try it." I watch him get into position and moved his flick his wrist a couple of times before he threw. It bounced twice before he went into the water.

"I did it" he chuckled. I laughed at his childish behavior.

Flashback over

I sighed 'I hope when we find Chilled he'll still be alive.' I looked across the pond and saw two figure talking to each other. "Hey guys" I tried to grab Adam and Max's attention. They looked at me "are they same people you guys saw a couple of days ago.

"No" Adam replied sadly.

"We still could ask. Maybe this guy has more than two people working for him" Max said.

"Yeah Jordan always seem to have groups working with him." Adam and Max got off the bench and we headed over to where the two people are. As we got closer, it was two girls talking. One of them noticed us and made a gesture to the other one.

"Can we help you guys" the first girl asked.

"Do you know a guy name Jordan?" They both looked at each other.

"What's it to you" she asked again. The other girl just stared at us well me more than the other Adam and Max.

"He has someone one close to us" Adam replied getting impatient.

The other girl's eye widened and started tugging on the first girl's sleeve.

"Yeah we do" the first girl said.

"Sam what are you doing" the other girl exclaimed.

"Dially we can't do anymore. We need to help them."

"What if he catches us, I need to protect my friend."

"Let me worry about him." Sam turned to us "okay we'll help you."

"Thank you so much" Max sighed in relief. Sam took out a piece of paper wrote something and passed it to me.

"This is the address but act like you trying to find the place, so it won't seem planned out. Make sure you guys get caught, we will take care of the rest" Sam said.

"Why should we trust you" Adam asked.

"The only reason why we're working for Jordan is that he has something or someone against us, so we have no choice. We hate him just as much as you guys do maybe even more" Dially said.

"When should this happen" I asked.

"Tomorrow night would be best" Sam said. Adam, Max and I nodded then headed back.

"Do we think we should trust them" Max asked.

"No but we might have got a potential lead."

"They did seem eager to tell us" I said.

"Yeah, but it could be part of their plan. We need to be careful" Adam said sternly. We made it back to the house, and Max insist on me staying over. I slept in the guest room with the last thoughts of hoping Chilled is okay.

Don't worry guys I'll be posting another some time this week hopefully. Anyways I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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