A Grand Adventure

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Once upon a time, there was a pencil and an eraser. They were best friends, and only had one dream. It was to have an adventure.

One day, a mischievous monkey kidnapped the eraser. Their dream had finally come true, as the pencil was about to have an adventure. It hurriedly followed the monkey, but it was too late. The monkey had escaped on a ship in the ocean. So, the pencil went to its best friend, the sharpener.

The sharpener put itself on the back of the pencil, and was able to act as a motor to bring the pencil to the monkey. The pencil lost its personal eraser (that was at the back of it), but that was the least of their problems. The ship the monkey had been sailing on was attacked by pirates, and they had kidnapped the monkey onto their ship.

The pencil got onto the pirate ship. It asked its friend, the stapler, who had coincidentally been on the same ship, to staple all the pirates to the ground. With its help, the pencil was able to rescue to monkey, but the monkey ignored them. He jumped off the ship and went to an uninhabited island, taking the eraser with it. The pencil tried to follow, but it lost track of the monkey's location.

An eagle had been watching all of this, and thought the pencil was a worm. It swooped down and grabbed the pencil. Using this as an advantage, the pencil was able to figure out where the monkey was. The eagle soon lost its hold on the pencil and dropped it. As the pencil fell, it angled itself towards the monkey, and fell right on its head. The monkey fell unconscious, and together, the pencil and eraser ran back to the island's edge, but there was nowhere to go.

The island was surrounded by water and neither of them knew how to go home. Thankfully, a submarine went past the island, and the two of them climbed aboard. The sub was headed towards their home country, but docked at the opposite side of their hometown.

The pencil and eraser began to walk back home, but were too tired and lied down on the street. A pencil shop owner saw the pencil and decided to add it to his collection. The eraser was overjoyed; it was its turn to have an adventure. It followed the owner back to his store.

The owner, seeing that the pencil had an empty metal end, threw the pencil in the garbage. Now all the eraser had to do was to get the pencil out of the garbage can. So it went to its friend, the ruler. The ruler hit the garbage, and with the force, the garbage can toppled over. All the garbage fell out, and with it, came the pencil.

The store owner was furious. His entire store was covered in garbage! He knocked down all the shelves and ripped the store apart. The police were there in a few minutes. There was chaos. Using this as an opportunity, the pencil and eraser escaped and continued their journey towards their home.

After a few hours of continuous walking, they came upon a tall tower.

"Hey pencil, have you ever jumped out of a tall building?" the eraser asked.

"No, I haven't. Why are you asking?" the pencil replied.

"Really!? You should try it! Come on, let's jump out of that tall building!"

The pencil refused, but the eraser was able to convince it. Together, they jumped out of the tower's highest window. They would have died, if it hadn't been for the eraser's soft rubber.

They started to walk again, reminding themselves not to try dangerous things like that again. Soon, they found a graveyard. It wasn't any ordinary graveyard; it was the graveyard full of pencils. Pencils that became too short to be of any use were buried there.

The pencil wanted to free the poor pencils. Using the help of its friend, the scissors, it cut up the dirt and freed the pencils. The shortened pencils accompanied the duo on their journey back home, but not for long. Their path was blocked by a large port.

You may be wondering why there was a port in the middle of a country. That's because it was a lake; a lake that was so large that it needed a port. The only way they could cross this lake was to create a bridge.

The shortened pencils sacrificed themselves to make a bridge for the pencil and the eraser to get across. Giving their thanks, they both kept going on their voyage. Before long, the two encountered a banquet hall.

A grand wedding was going on. The pencil and eraser knew what this meant. If there was a grand wedding, then there must be a huge cake! The two went in and ate some of the cake. While doing this, some of the pencil's graphite and the eraser's shavings got into the cake.

The bride decided to try some of this cake, and it tasted disgusting! She spit it out onto the groom's face. There was a large fight between the two families. The priest wanted to know what the problem was, and ate part of the cake too. He became angry as well, and caused a huge ruckus in the banquet hall.

The police couldn't decide what needed the most help; the furious store owner, the fight in the banquet hall, or the pencils that littered the lake water. As a matter of fact, no one knew what to do. There was no way to prevent all of these problems at the same time. Due to the work of just one small pencil and eraser, there was chaos throughout an entire country.

Of all the characters in the story, who do you think is the dumbest?

Comment your answers below!;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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