The Chicken Shaman

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"CHICKEN SHAMAN! RETURN APHMAU IMMEDIATELY!!!" yelled Katelyn as she smashed down the door to the Chicken Shaman's house.

"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT THE CHICKEN SHAMAN! I should turn you into a chicken. No. Being turned into a chicken would be to good for you Cretans." mocked the Chicken Shaman.


"Who is this Aphmau? I know not of any Aphmau." responded Chicken Shaman. At the time a noise could be heard from the kitchen.

"Kawaii~Chan found the bag Ross~kun told us about!" The crew raced over to Chicken Shaman's kitchen. 

"Don't go into my kitchen! And don't open my bag! I'm not ready!" Kawaii~Chan opened the bag and out flew dozens of chickens. They scattered all around the kitchen, looking for an escape.

"My rescued Chickens! I don't have any homes for them yet! I'll have to call that horrible Chicken Home Builder, what was her name?" muttered the Chicken Shaman. He then looked up and saw Laurance. "Oh Laurance! When did you get here?"

Aphmau could barely speak. Her mouth currently had a sock inside it. She could barely see in the dimly lit room. She could hear someone in the next room over.

"Good, that will distract them for awhile. Good work, I'll return Thundermuffin, now."

A click could be heard. A figure came and grabbed a chicken from the other side of the room. Looking over Aphmau saw someone she had just noticed. She struggled, but finally got the sock out of her mouth. They taste of sweat was still there.

"Alesa? Is that you?"

The Aphmau search party returns to Aphmau's house, hoping to see her return home safely. They hoped she got distracted and ended up getting lost, but once they returned home, they were disappointed. It was getting late, so they team agreed to continue with the search the next night.

Katelyn sat in her bed, meditating. Where could Aphmau be? It wasn't like her to make her friends worry like that.

"You okay, Katelyn?" asked Travis. One punch and Travis was on his back.

"TRAVIS! How'd you get in here! My door's always locked!"

"But your window isn't!" Travis joked.

"You're such a perv, Travis!" Katelyn said picking Travis up by his collar.

"But I'm your perv" Travis said. He then kissed Katelyn on the cheek. "I'll see you, tomorrow?"

"Wait, Travis..." Katelyn said grabbing Travis's arm, preventing him from leaving. "Can you stay with me tonight?" Surprised, Travis stared at Katelyn.

"I know it's out of character, but I don't want to be alone, right now. I know Kawaii~Chan's here, but still..." Katelyn started. Travis had quieted her by kissing her lips. Katelyn accepted the kiss and wrapped herself around Travis. Tears fell from her face. "T-t-thank you, Travis."

"I'd do anything for you, Katelyn."

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