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It was sad that I was making the journey to college alone. It seemed I was the only one. Everyone else had family, people who loved them, people who cared enough to say their goodbyes, shed a tear here and there. Not me. Nope, I was alone, hauling my lonely ass up the stairs as I balanced my few boxes precariously in my arms. I didn't do elevators, never did. They seemed to have some monopoly over me, taunting me with the promise of a thirty second ride, requiring no effort, only to deliver me to my plummeting death. No, I would not take the elevator. I continued my struggle for a further three flights of stairs before finally reaching my floor. It was decorated in a horrifyingly cheery yellow, with bright purple numbers printed above each door, 70s throwback style. My room wasn't much different, the same gaudy yellow with matching purple furniture, poster-covered walls and stained grey carpet. A girl with alarmingly pink hair and heavy combat boots, not dissimilar to my own, sat cross legged on the bed nearest the door, drawing monochrome skulls on the front of a tattered ring-binder. She looked up as I closed the door with a click, pulling a gold tongue ring between her teeth. I nodded silently at her before wading through the heavily littered floor to get to what I presumed was my bed, and dumped the three boxes there.

"Not much of a conservationist, I see," Her voice sounded behind me, making me start.

"Nope." I popped the 'P', not turning around.

"I'm Thea."

"Gina." I hoped that would be the end of our conversation. I really wasn't one for making friends, and introductions scared me. I preferred to be a recluse, leave people guessing. I liked that I was a mystery. She didn't ask questions, or make me tell her my life story, nor did she proceed to tell me hers. I liked her already.

"There's a frat party tonight, they're testing the newbies. You seem pretty chill, you game?" She asked. I turned to accept her offer. I was up for a challenge. And a chance to forget the fact that I was totally alone wasn't one I was going to pass on any time soon. I even started to unpack my clothes in search of my skimpiest dress.

The heavy thud of music was a comfort to my ears as I made my way through the crowded hallway. A body-less hand thrust a drink in my direction as I pushed my way through the pulsing bodies, and I took it, taking a hearty swig. Thea yelled my name from in front of me, telling me to keep up. She wanted to introduce me to her friends. I felt numerous hands on my ass as I followed her into the kitchen, where the music was a little quieter.

"Deacon, Hutch, this is Gina. Gina, this is Deacon and Hutch." The two men nodded, in turn throwing a hand at me. I took it, smiling at them. The alcohol was beginning to work its way into my system, fuelling the few social skills I possessed. We made small talk for some time, introductions, how do you do's, meeting more of Thea's friendship group, before finding ourselves amongst the grinding bodies in the living room. Drink in hand, a held myself close to Hutch, swaying my hips and wrapping my arms loosely around his neck.

"You're sure you're only a freshman?" He asked, appreciatively glancing down at my chest. I laughed, throwing my head back as I pushed myself closer to him. His lips found my neck, his mouth working its way up to my jaw line before finding my mouth. He tasted of beer and mint, a familiar taste I had grown accustom too in my rebel years of high school. His hands wandered down to the hem of my dress, hitching it up just a little higher as he -

"What the fuck Hutch?!" Some girl with a crazily high pitched voice forced herself in between us, throwing her hands up to Hutch's chest. Her tight red dress and Barbie-blonde curls made me cringe as I stepped back in attempt to escape her wrath. No one wants to be on the sorority girl's hit list. This was all a little cliché for my liking. I stepped back and begun blend into the crushing sea of bodies, winking at Hutch over Barbie's shoulder.

Turns out Barbie was actually called Trish. And she was Hutch's sister. So not quite what I had in mind. I was expecting a good slap and tears and yelling, a broken hearted girlfriend confronting the player at the party. It sucked that I was wrong. Just some crappy deal; Hutch wouldn't play the newbies on their first night. Apparently it was customary to fuck them and leave them, something about testing emotional strain. I passed, so I didn't really care about the ins and outs. I didn't really care about passing their little test to be completely honest. It's not like they had anything to offer me. A little group of outcasts that formed a clan against the rest of the college. They took a couple of frat brothers and a couple of sorority girls from each house to form a tight knit group of untouchables. I could hear Thea's quiet conversation with Trish through the darkness of our room.

"I know he promised Trish, but its tradition. You know that," she paused. I couldn't hear the other end of the line. "I'm not helping you get revenge. She did nothing wrong!" Her stage whisper grew to a whisper-shout, suddenly very angry. I laughed out loud at her defence of me. She cursed loudly.

"You're awake?" She asked, her voice dreary and laced with embarrassment. I sat up, switching the small lamp by my bed on, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the light.

"I am." I replied, a slight smirk in my voice.

"She's just a little pissed. I doubt she's actually plotting revenge..." She pondered, sitting up so as to face me. Her outrageous hair stuck out at an odd angle, and there were still traces of make-up smeared under her eyes and across her cheeks.

"I wouldn't mind if she were," I stated. "I'm always up for the drama," she chuckled.

"Such the trouble seeker," she smiled. We got on well so far - we were alike in more ways than one. She was clearly one to live on the wild side. She didn't believe in love, hand a lot to drink and had a lot of friends with a lot of benefits. Her punky appearance and skimpy wardrobe only accentuated this, and I liked that about her. She wasn't afraid of giving herself a reputation, she seemed to fight for it really, keeping up her brutish appearance.

"That's me." I shrugged. I wasn't ready to sleep yet. Alcohol continued to buzz though me, urging me to exercise my wings as the social butterfly that rarely escapes. "So, tell me about everyone."


Hola! Meet the first chapter of Savior Soul! I do hope you like so far! If so, do vote, comment and follow and what not, it does mean a lot to me! I really do appreciate all comments and support, it's really very important to me!

Lots of Love,

Sarah xox

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