Chapter 20

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It's been a month since Lauren's threatment and Dani is taking her pills. They are doing better, they are both awake and stable now but they have to stay in the hospital for a month. Christina and I stay in the hospital with them since they are still scared and panic really fast. Dani's arms are healed and also Lauren's arm is healed. Since they get really bored these days in the hospital room we take them outisde, they are in their wheelchair but they still love it to go outside for a while. 

So Christina and I were on the couch in the hospital room just on our phone while Lauren and Dani were sleeping. It was early in the morning and I was really tired. I heard Lauren whimper a lot so I got up and walked next to her and saw she was looking uncomfortable. I think she was having a nightmare so I decided to wake her up.

Lolo, wake up lo- I said shaking her arm gently. She let out deep breath and finally woke up. She looked at me and smiled when she saw me. 

Lise- She said grabbing my hand. I smiled at her and kissed her forhead.

It's me Lo, it's me- I said. 

G.......g.o.od m..........mor.....ning- She said

Good morning Lo- I said and she wanted to sit up so I helped her. I noticed she white shirt was red. I lift her shirt up and gasped when I saw her wounds was bleeding.

Christina get a doctor!- I said and Christina jumped up and ran out the room. I noticed Lauren start to panic once she noticed what was happening.

Hey, hey look at me. Lauren look at me- I said putting my hands on the side of her head and make her look at me. Once I knew I had her attention I continued talking

Don't panic ok, everything is going to be ok- I told her, she was trying to look at her stomach but I wouldn't let her. 

Keep looking at me- I told her and she nodded. The doctor and a nurse ran inside and start cleaning Lauren's wound and wrapped it again. Once they were done they looked at us

Don't worry, this happens a lot. Her wounds is really big so it's normal to bleed a couple times- He told us and we nodded.

Thank you- We said and they left. Lauren looked at her stomach and then back at me.

Why am I not death yet?- She asked and I froze. I never expected her to ask me this, I thought Lauren had hope in life ever since we found her and the other younger once. 

Lauren don't ever ask this again- I said really serious

But...- She tried but I cut her off

Don't- I snapped. I saw her tens up and looking a little scared at me

Lisa- Christina warned me

Do you ever think about us? I mean like, yeah I understand you have been in pain for years but what about us huh? Seeing you in pain the whole time makes us happy? No! So why on earth are you asking me why you are not death yet?! Do you ever think what we would do if you were gone!- I snapped raising my voice. Lauren turned really scared but my emotions took over me and I kind of lost my control. 

Don't ever ask me this! Cause you have no idea how much pain it causes to watch you get beat up, be in pain and not happy!- I yelled at her. 

Lisa that's enough!- Christina said and grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room

Go home Lisa, come back when you calmed down and can talk to Lauren and Dani on a normal way cause you know you are wrong at this moment- Christina snapped at me. She turned around and walked back in the hospital room and closed the door behind her. I groaned in irritation and got home, once I walked inside Mike and Kathrine asked me how Lauren and Dani are. I ignored them and walked upstairs to my room. I closed the door and yelled punching the wall. I start crying my eyes out, I was wrong! Why on earth did I tell Lauren that all?! What's wrong with me? I can't believe it........I can't believe myself! I spend the rest of the night crying and fell asleep in Lauren's bed holding Lauren's baby blanket she always keeps when she is going to sleep. 

I'm so sorry Lauren, I was wrong- I whispered and with the I fell asleep. 


I woke up really sad. I want Lauren and Dani to come back. Last night Lisa lost her calm and freaked out, Christina explained us what happened in the hospital and told us Lauren had a panic attack once Lisa left. I decided to go to the hospital and bring Christina, Lauren and Dani breakfast. I told Mike that I was going to the hospital and he let me borrow his car. I drove to starbuck and got food and drinks and then drove to the hospital and walked to Lauren and Dani's hospital room. I walked inside and saw Dani sleeping, I smiled at her and then noticed Lauren and Christina weren't here. I turned confused but then heard someone walk inside. I turned around and saw Christina and Lauren walking inside. Christina had Lauren's arm around her neck and helped Lauren walk a little. I noticed Lauren's hair was wet so I guess she took a shower. 

Hey Ames- Christina said smiling at me

Hey guys, good morning- I said!- Lauren said happily. I smiled and hugged her tight. She hugged me back and I helped her sit back on her bed. 

I got us all breakfast from starbucks- I said showing the bag. They smiled and thanked me. Christina woke Dani up and we all had breakfast. Christina helped Dani eat and drink while I helped Lauren. s....sho........sou......should c...come v.......vis..visit more- Lauren said

y........yea.....yeah s.......h.......hould com......come e.every Dani added and they both smiled at me. I smiled at them and nodded

I will, I promise- I told them and they smiled. We finished eating and then Lauren and Dani wanted to watch a movie so we all watched multipal movies the whole day long. I got a text from Lisa, she asked is Lauren is ok now.

she is ok now but you should come tommorow morning, not today-- I texted back. I put my phone away and continued watching the movie. Once the movie ended I noticed Lauren fell asleep in my arms. I smiled and kissed her forhead. 

This is the start of something good...........I hope

Pain- CimorelliTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang