Chapter 5

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To be honest.......I want to die. I know that I promised my younger siblings I won't leave them but I just can't keep living like this anymore! I wanna go home! I want to be in my parents arms and feel safe. I want to do dangerous stuff with Mike and Alex! I want to go cook or bake something with Kathrine, play guitar with Amy, go shopping with Lisa and be bossed around by Christina!! Why is this happening to us?! My younger siblings know that this is bothering me but I try my best to keep up and be there for them!

Anyways I was in the kitchen making lunch for my aunt and uncle. They have been really abusive towards me lately and I hate it! 2 days ago I passed out again after they beat me really bad. It's been three months since Tim came and nothing really changed at all. Joe and Jasmine walked in and looked at me.

Your older siblings have been calling a lot lately- Joe snapped. What? They called?!!!

I don't know how they got my number but Mike and Christina texted me saying they want you back- Joe added

What did you say?- I asked nervous

I told them that they could have Joey, Nick and Christian back but Dani and you are staying and they agreed- Jasmine said. What! They don't want Dani and me?!

So they don't want me and Dani?- I asked tearing up.

Aww don't be sad. They do want you but we told them it wasn't possible sk that's why you're staying with Dani- She said and slapped me in my face.

Tell your brothers to come- Joe said and I nodded running to the basement

Guys come now!- I said and they all followed me upstairs. Joe and Jasmine explained everything to my younger siblings. All at once Joe grabbed me and put a knife around my neck

The thing is that you're not going to tell your siblings what we have been doing to you cause if you do and they call the police we'll kill Lauren- Joe said and they nodded

Now go take a shower and Jasmine go give them new clothes, they have to be normal dressed so the others won't get suspicious- Joe snapped.

Let her go- Dani said and Joe made a huge cut on my stomach and then pushed me to Dani who caught me. I groaned in pain holding my stomach.

Let's clean the cut- Dani said and I nodded. The boys got ready to leave and once Dani cleaned my stomach and wrapped it we had to say goodbye to the boys since Joe and Jasmine were going to bring them to our older siblings' house. I knelt down in front of them and hugged them tight

Be carefull ok, don't forget to cover yourself good before you sleep and brush your theeth before sleeping and after breakfast ok also...- I said but got cut off by Dani

Lo they'll be fine don't act like your kids are going on schoolcamp- She said and I sighed

I'm sorry, I promised you guys to never leave you and now you're leaving but promise me to be safe and ok- I said and they nodded. I kissed them all on their forhead and that's when they left. Once the door was closed and locked I fell back on my knees breaking down crying my eyes out. I can't believe this is happening.

Shhhhhhh it's going to be ok Lo, they're going to be safe again and happy- Dani said and I nodded through tears

I know Dani but I can't help it- I cried

I understand, you basically raised them for years but you need to remember you're still a kid who also needs to think about herself- Dani said and I sighed finally calming down.

Let's go steal blanket and clothes and hide them in the basement before they come back- I said and she smiled

That's the Lauren I know!- Dani said and I chuckeld. We both took a shower, got new clothes, had a really good lunch and cleaned the house a little and also chaned the sheets of the bed in the basement. I mean we will probaby stay here for a long time so why not make it more comfortable and Joe and Jasmine never go down to the basement so they won't see anything. When Joe and Jasmine got back it was really late. We made dinner for them and they went to bed. Dani and I also layed down on our bed amd we cuddeld close to each other .

Goodnight Lo- Dani said

Goodnight Dan- I said and we both fell asleep

Atleast the boys are out of hell......right?

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