Vic's POV

I wondered if my father leaving turned out to do more good than harm. My mother's resentment had died out, and Kellin and Tony could actually be here. Kellin had stayed the night since he was here so late, and I was endlessly thankful that my mother hadn't turned into the new homophobic member of the family. Now that I had Kellin back, I never wanted to let him go.

"Wake up," I murmured in Kellin's ear, kissing his neck lightly. We were laying in my bed, me in pajamas and him in slightly too big clothes that he borrowed from me. He tried to twitch away from my kisses, and I wrapped my arms tighter around his midsection. I felt a headache already pulsating, but just seeing Kellin's bedhead made it lessen somehow.

"It's too early," he whined, burying his face in my chest. I kissed the top of his head gently. I clicked on my bedside lamp, wincing slightly as my migraine blossomed in the bright light.

"It's a school day," I reminded him in a soft voice, shutting my eyes to the harsh glare of the lamp. I laid back down, prepared to slip back into a painless sleep despite my own insistences. Mike slammed open my bedroom door obnoxiously, and I recoiled at the ear-splitting noise.

"Dude! We only have like twenty minutes until-" Mike exclaimed. I threw a pillow at him as hard as I could.

"Shut up!" I shouted, squeezing my temples and pressing my head into the remaining pillow. Mike hushes himself and backed out of the room, leaving me with a throbbing pain in my skull.

"Are you okay?" Kellin whispered, his soft hand gently touching my side. I breathed deeply, not opening my eyes. I felt the bed shift next to me, and a few minutes later Kellin was handing me an aspirin and a glass of tap water.

"You're the sweetest," I murmured, pecking his lips as the medicine began to do its job. I took my everyday pill in addition to the painkiller with the water. Kellin smiled shyly at me.

"I told you I'll always be here for you."


"-was screaming and breaking shit, and he scared his little sister really bad, so she called the police," Jesse was informing us once we'd gotten to school. Kellin had briefly filled me in earlier and the others just now on the escapade with Justin yesterday afternoon, and apparently Justin had completely lost it when Kellin left. His kid sister found him sobbing hysterically in the wreckage of their living room; his doctors found out that he hadn't been taking his pills.

"I feel kind of bad," Kellin said regretfully. Tony shook his head adamantly.

"You shouldn't. Even if he hadn't flipped out on you, he would've on someone else," Tony pointed out. Kellin still looked uncomfortable; I wrapped an arm around his waist tenderly, touching the skin below the hemline of his t-shirt with my fingertips. Kellin smiled sweetly at me, leaning into me slightly. Our friends were unfazed by the revelation that we had gotten back together; Jaime insisted that he knew we would all along.

"Ew, I wouldn't touch him if I were you!" Jeremy called out to Kellin loudly. I went to pull my arm away from my boyfriend, but Kellin placed a hand over it to hold me there.

"Disgusting," Beau proclaimed to Jeremy and their posse of athletic followers.

"Fuck you, Beau," Kellin said calmly. The group seemed stunned that shy, innocent Kellin challenged them. Suddenly, the entire hallway around us became quieter.

"What did you just say to me, fag?" Beau demanded, towering over Kellin's petite frame menacingly. Kellin squeezed my hand tightly.

"I said, fuck you. And don't stand to close to us; you might catch the gay plague and Jeremy'll have to give it to you up the ass," Kellin stated boldly, spitting in Beau's face just like Beau had done to him weeks ago. With that, Kellin turned on his heel and walked away. Our groups parted, Beau frantically wiping the "gay" saliva off his face.

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