Summer in Karuizawa Part Two

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"You don't have a ton of friends and you're happy." He says still mad. I know he didn't mean it to be mean or anything, but I still hurt my feelings.

"Hikaru! That was rude." Kaoru says.

"No, it's fine. Hikaru, Haruhi will always have other friends outside of the host club and yeah some of them will be guys. Deal with it. I personally am not good with people and I've never really head more than a handful of friends. Now, when you calm down you need to apologize to Arai and Haruhi and get over yourself." I say and leave. Hikaru can be so infuriating!

Hikaru's POV

"Hikaru, you shouldn't have made that comment about Rose not having many friends." Koaru says.

"Why?" I ask confused. Rose did seem mad when she left...

"Can't you tell she's insure about that?" Kaoru asks. No! I've never been good at reading people's emotions or stuff like that!

"She is?" I ask and he sighs.

"Of course she is!" He says. Thinking back on it now, I guess it's a bit obvious.  Even from when we first met her. Her sarcasm and reluctant behavior to be there at the beginning, it's almost funny.

"I still can't get my head quite around her wishing she had more friends. Me and you never had friends and now we still have a small group, what's so bad about that?" I ask Kaoru. He sighs.

"You're not very good at picking up details with people. I swear it's as if you don't even know her sometimes. I don't think I can really explain it to you. You'll figure it out though." He says.

Rose's POV

"Hey guys." I say, sitting between Kyoya and Tamaki. 

"Hikaru seemed really upset, is he calmer now?" Haruhi asks.

"Yeah. He just let his temper get the best of him." I say.

"He can be so immature and reckless." Kyoya says with a sigh.

"Hika-chan just doesn't like change." Honey says.

"..Well it was nice meeting you all and it was great seeing you again Haruhi, but I have to go." Aria says and leaves. 

"He was nice." I say.


"Good night Kyoya." I say and peck his lips. I had decided to walk with him to his family's house here.

"Good night Rosey. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Love you." He says and kisses my forehead. It always makes me smile when he does that.

"Love you too." I say. I don't want to leave. I want to stay the night with Kyoya, but I'll have to get up extra early.

"You're welcome to stay here with me if you want." Kyoya says. I nod and Kyoya smiles as I walk in. Lucky for me I was already in my pajamas. A pair of white booty shorts and a black t-shirt. Kyoya sits on the couch and I sit next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. "How tired are you?" He asks with an arm around my waist.

"Honestly, I quite tired, but if you're not tired I can stay awake with you." I say and smile at him when he looks at me. Sometimes he'll give me a look, it's like he is confused almost. I think he still has a hard time understanding my reasoning for putting others first so much. Part of me hopes he will never find out, but I know he will. It's only a matter of time.

"If you're so tired then go to sleep, love." He says.

"It's no problem, really." I say.

"Rose I stay up all night doing work. You need sleep. You already have bags under your eyes from stress, don't add on lack of sleep." He says and picks me up, carrying me to his room.

"I'm not stressed." I say. That's a pathetic lie.

"Rose you've been stressed from the day I meet you. You may not notice just how stressed you are because you're used to it, but you're very stressed. Most anyone can tell." He says and lays me down on his bed. * cross my arms over my chest.

"You're trying to baby me." I say.

"You didn't seem nearly as upset when I did this after I helped you with your homework." He says pulling the blanket over me.

"I was tired then." I say

"Just a minute a go you said you were 'quite tired'." He says and kisses me. "Why are you so reluctant to go to bed?" He asks.

"Because I don't want you to stay up doing work while on vacation. You deserve to relax and not have to worry about it. I worry about you getting enough sleep." I say. There's that look.

"Fine, but only for the next few days." He says and lays down next to me.

"Thank you." I say and peck his lips. He hugs me close to him and I close my eyes. I start humming, I'm not even sure what song until Kyoya mumbles along.

"You make me happy when skies are grey. No, please don't take my sunshine away." We both sing quietly.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you." He says.

"Thank you." I whisper and slowly fall asleep, a peaceful smile painted on my lips.

Attachment (AKA: Tamaki's Sister)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن