Chapter 2: We Don't Bite

Start from the beginning

"I am now," I said turning back to her.

"Good, now you can save me from all the testosterone. Anna is still unconscious," Natalie said as she grabbed onto my arm and pulled me out into the living room.

The only open seat was on the love seat next to Harry. I opted to sit on the floor in front of Natalie. I think I heard Louis laugh, probably at my avoiding sitting by Harry. Tuning them out, I kept my attention on the movie playing on the screen.

"I told you we wouldn't bite. No need to stay attached to the hip with Natalie," Harry spoke up.

"Maybe, but you said you couldn't promise that you wouldn't," I replied as indifferently as I could. Now everyone was laughing for sure. My eyes flickered over to Harry who was intently watching the movie, his cheeks a burning red. A small giggle left my lips, causing his eyes to flash in my direction. I quickly stopped and turned my attention back to the movie.

Half an hour later, Anna joined the group and sat down next to Harry on the love seat. She ended up falling back asleep five minutes later, slouching backwards into the couch. By the end of the movie her head was resting against Harry's shoulder as she snuggled up against him. Anna had always been one to cuddle whilst she slept. That's why we always ending up sharing a bed during sleepovers, I was the only one willing to put up with it all night long.

Harry seemed to look kind of uncomfortable and I noticed that his eyes flickered over to me every so often. As if he was trying to see how I was reacting to this. It didn't bother me in the slightest. I knew Anna didn't like Harry in that way, and it's not like I did either. There was nothing to be upset about. Anna was just a cuddly person, plain and simple.

But as I looked away I couldn't help but feel my eyes being pulled back over to Harry.


I could tell she was looking over at me from the corners of her eyes. We had been stealing glances at one another for the entire movie, but even more so since Anna had fallen asleep and cuddled up next to me. My mind couldn't help but wonder if this bothered Emma. It didn't appear to be, but you never know what a mask may hide.

After the movie ended, I carried Anna into her and Emma's shared room. I laid her down in the bed and left shortly after. Walking out to the living room I saw that Emma was the only one left in there, still seated on the floor talking quietly into her phone. Her eyes quickly looked up at me and she said a hurried good-bye before she ended the call.

"No need to hang up on your boyfriend for me," I joked as I sat back down into my previous spot.

"T-that wasn't my boyfriend," she stuttered as she avoided looking at me.


"I like men thank you," she said with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure," I said holding my hands up in defense.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked finally looking at me. My words got caught in the back of my throat as I looked right into her stunning blue eyes.

"Nothing, I've just never seen you with a guy, or heard you talk about one," I replied a little surprised at how steady my voice was.

"Just because I'm not giggling over every hot guy I see on the street doesn't mean I'm not into guys. It just means I have better control over my hormones. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed."

I watched as Emma quickly rose to her full height and practically stomped out of the room. If Em and I were to stand face to face, her nose would reach my chin. She is that tall and surprisingly I found that very attractive about her. That and her eyes, I felt like they could see past the mask I wear and see the real me. I wanted Emma to see the real me, a person that very few get to see.

I had been sitting there for a few minutes just thinking when Niall walked past to go to the kitchen.

"Hey mate, what's up? Where'd Emma go?" he asked as he sat beside me.

"She went to bed," I replied quietly.

"Oh, but really Haz, what's up? You look down, mate," Niall asked me.

"It's nothing really. There's just been a lot on my mind lately," I answered vaguely.

"Does it have to do with a certain tall, leggy blond who just flew in from LA to spend the summer here?"

"There's a very good possibility," I sighed. "She's just different, you know. She's kind of standoff-ish. I don't know why but for whatever reason I feel like I need to know, otherwise my brain just might explode."

"She doesn't know us that well yet, Haz. Give her some time to warm up to us," Niall chuckled.

"But she should have warmed up to me a little by now. We've been talking some after we had left for tour after meeting her and the other girls. It's not like we're complete strangers," I sighed again looking to my left at Niall.

"Oh, lad you're falling hard," he laughed as he clapped a hand on my shoulder before standing up.

"Shut up," I grumbled as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You're welcome to sleep here tonight, but you'll be on the couch since Anna and Emma have the spare room," Niall offered as he walked into the kitchen to grab a late night snack.

"That's fine; I was about to head out anyways. Night Ni, be sure to use condoms," I called over my shoulder as I made my way to the door way.

"Piss off," he shouted back at me.

I laughed as I walked out the door and made my way to my flat down the hall.

Sleep didn't come easily that night. I rolled over from one side of the bed to the other constantly. Comfort seemed to keep evading me, along with sweet dreams. I couldn't tell you what it was that kept me up half of the night, but I had an idea of a possibility. Emma hadn't left my thoughts since I saw her walk up to us in the airport this morning. What is it about her that makes her so damn intriguing? Could somebody please tell me? It would be a massive help for my sanity!

I guess it's a good thing I can be a patient person, 'cos it looks like this is going to take some time.


A/N: Thank you for reading my story, it means a lot. Please vote and comment what you think! Please and thank you?... Yeah.. I'm awkward..

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