Chapter 11: What Now?

Start from the beginning

With Dawlish in tow, I left the house, happy in the knowledge that 'Ger' supported my desire to live. Even better, I didn't sense anything amiss as I had when opening the window.

Old Jack stood in his garden gazing up at the spring like Oak tree. I was still worried about that camera, but I smiled anyway and whistled as I walked to Jasmine Cottage.

I opened the door as I knocked. Gladys was thankfully at home. Didn't think it would be otherwise. I wanted to ask her what else she did with her time; I couldn't be her only client, surely?

Gladys sat reading in Minty's favourite chair. I hesitated at the door, pondering whether to tell her about the dreams. But I couldn't, or wouldn't. In the back of my mind I'd a terrible thought she might whisk me away for safety or blame Dawlish.

Gladys looked up as the door fell shut behind me. Instinctively knowing I wasn't here for another lecture, she merely tilted her book forward, ready to resume reading and leave me to it after pleasantries.

"Morning Gladys. I'd like to look in the spell book, please."

She nodded thoughtfully. "Go careful Araminta, the book is yours to use. I am happy you want to learn, however, be cautious with what you wish for."

I dumped my bag on the floor, threw my coat on top, and lifted the book from the shelf. "I will. I'm trying out this helping others lark, I thought you'd be pleased."

Gladys laid her novel on her lap, sighed and pointed gracefully above my head. The book moved through the air so quickly it disappeared for a moment. But the sofa creaked as it landed on the middle seat.

"Thank you." I said ambling over. "I don't always remember to do that."

"We would move on quickly if you did." Novel re-lifted, Gladys continued to read.

I tried to remember the page from yesterday ...twenty-nine. I flicked the pages over manually.

A Seeing Spell for a mortal to recognise the truth and depth of their own feelings for another.

That would assume they had feelings. Taking the chance Pete had more than a passing appreciation for Zara, I whispered the spell.

"Take a hair of each and entwine. Say thrice, thou be thine. If love be divine, both shall see what is in thee. Place entwined hairs in deepest care until the fruits of labour be visible." I bit my bottom lip and chewed. Basically, I needed to stick hairs in sealed envelope and not lose them. Easy. Except Pete's head was practically shaved. I sighed.

"A thread of his worn clothes normally does the trick."

I must ask how she did that. "Thanks." But I wasn't done yet.

My mind flicked to Gorgeous George. His hair would be long enough to twist with mine.

Concentrate! There was my mum to go.

"Try page one thousand and sixty." Gladys didn't look up. "It's a modern spell."

I didn't ask, and did as she said, this time willing the pages to turn with a flick of my finger. Quickly they flipped over and fell into place.

This spell came complete with sketches. Cool.

An Attracting Spell for a mortal to find their true love and kindred spirit. No materials required. Simple lift your hands and place them on the shoulders of the client and call forth their inner essence to irradiate. When the essence is brought forth, breathe onto your hands and ask the four winds to, "carry far carry wide, find a match to this spirit". This spell lasts for twenty-four hours before it needs repeating. NB, though the essence can be blown for up to fifty miles, there is no guaranty a match will be within radius.

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