Chapter three - The photo shoot

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'Just sit here, Verity...' Cara put me in a chair - which was out of the way of everyone important, but gave me a perfect view of the bed she would be modelling on.

'Okay.' I said, although I didn't really need to, to be honest. She smiled at me, flashing those perfect pearly white teeth, then kissed me once and left.

I watched her strut up to the bed, following the directions of the director/photographer.

She looked over at me and winked, before undoing her robe and dropping it to the.. to the.. erm... God, she's fit.. wait, what was I saying? Oh yeah. She dropped the robe to the... floor... oh my fucking god. How is it possible that in one small act she made me wet as fuck.

I crossed my legs to try and cease the throbbing between them, but it didn't do shit. Of course it wouldn't. It's Cara.

I watched as she got under the covers of the bed and did shots ranging from: under the silk cover to stretching with her chest exposed to wrapping the cover around her lower half as she sat up in bed to very sexual shots that... I don't think I could be anymore turned on right now.

Eventually it was over and I walked back to her dressing room while she spoke to the photographer.

I packed my make up away while I waited for her, then when she finally walked in, I quickly backed her up against the closed door.

'Those shots were too fucking sexy.'


'I'm glad you liked them,' She chuckled against my lips, 'Now...let me see what I've done to you.' Before I could wonder what she meant, her hand travelled down my front and into my jeans. She managed to unbottom and unzip them then tugged my underwear down and touched me. Cara was fucking touching me. I melted and undid her robe, making sure the door was locked as it hit the floor and she was once again in front of me: exposed. Small gasps and moans escaped my mouth as she rubbed my clit, making me throb uncontrollably and become wetter than ever possible.

'Wow, I really had an effect on you didn't I?' She began to kiss me softly while she touched me.

'You think?' I sighed into her mouth, opening it to slide my tongue in.

'In fact, let's go back to my hotel room.' She finished with one final hard push on my clit which made me double over in pleasure. You don't even understand.

'Let's go.' I zipped up, helped her get dressed *insert wink face* then we went to her room.

Aye aye...

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