I asked him to take me to Ahmar and he did. As soon as Zaid spotted me coming towards them, he got up and both Tahir and Ahmar copy his movement.

"Assalam o Alaikum." Zaid and Tahir salam me but Ahmar remain silent. It's been a while since I saw him being nervous.

"Wallaikum Assalam. How is Hira?" I directly went straight to the point. All of their heads snapped towards me, except for Ahmar's.

"Doctor said she will be fine after some rest. She collapsed because of fatigue." Tahir answered me.

"Hm... Where can I find the doctor who checked on Hira?" I asked, keeping my eyes on Ahmar and he was looking everywhere except me.

"I will take you to him." Tahir starts to lead the way.

"She is going to be fine." I heard Ahmar's voice when I was about to pass him.

I give him a glance and walked by.


Ahmar's POV:

I know he will be mad but never thought that he would come running to the hospital. But I don't get it. Who told him?

"How did he know Miss Hira?" Faiq asked.

"He is her friend." I mumbled.

"And you knew it?" Zaid asked with his all-knowing expression.

"Yar, I will tell you guys everything later okay." I said to them and end this topic.

What worries me now is how he would react and what if he would tell Ami and Dad everything and what if she tells the whole story to them? I bet Dad would kill me after finding out. Not only him but my friends too. There is no way that Dad wouldn't tell their families that we caused our teacher to be sent to the hospital. Especially when it involves a young female teacher.

We all sat in complete silence. The three of us is busy with our own thoughts. I guess they also don't want to argue about anything right now as we know we're guilty of putting something in her drink. Minutes later, Tahir showed up with a worried looking expression, but he was alone. My brother didn't come with him.

"Why are you alone? Where is my brother?" I frowned and get up.

Don't tell me he left him alone with her.

"You didn't tell us that her father died a few weeks ago and she has no family." Instead of answering me, he threw this question at me.

"Huh?" This really caught me off guard.

"How could you hide this from us, yar? We were toying with a person who deserves sympathy and support right now." he said with an emotion of mixed anger and regret.

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I am talking about Miss Hira, you idiot." He answered.

"What about her?" I heard Zaid's voice from my left.

"Her father died a few weeks ago, she has no siblings and her mother died long ago. She collapsed not because of fatigue. It is because of anxiety and all we've done is caused it to increase."

"What? But... Ahmar, did you know this from the beginning?" Tahir inquired.

"Nahi (no) yar." I answered.

"Okay Ahmar! I think it would be better if you tell us the whole story." Zaid said, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Yar, there isn't any story. She is my brother's friend who showed up one day out of nowhere and starts living with us. Ami is okay with her and so is Dad, so I didn't bothe......wait" I licked my dry lips and ran a hand through my hair.

Oh! My Darling Teacherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن