14) Pallet Town and Trouble

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   Giovanni rolled his eyes and started driving for the garage doors "you seem to be surprised by a lot of what I do". He went smoothly out and onto the road, heading for the highway.

   Ash huffed and scratched Pikachus head "you don't surprise me that much".

   Giovanni chuckled and let it go, focusing on driving.

   Yellow leaned over the seat "do you have anything I can do, it's soooo boring back here". She pet Persian.

   Giovanni pointed a thumb towards the back "check the side pocket of the door".

   Yellow slipped back to check it, Ash checked his own. He grinned and pulled out the thing inside "a book".

   Yellow leaned back over the seat beaming "I got a game boy, can I keep it".

   Giovanni nodded, smiling slightly "yup, take good care of it kid".

   Ash nudged Giovanni when Yellow sat back to play, whispering "aw, you do have a heart".

   Giovanni reached over and flicked him, keeping his eyes on the road as they got up to the highway "don't get any ideas".

   Ash rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead "I would never dare to get ideas with you oh great Rocket leader". He settled into his seat and started reading so he could ignore Giovanni. Pikachu and Persian both hopped into the back to curl up with Yellow while she played her gameboy.

   Giovanni just drove.


   Ash was shaken awake hours later. He opened his eyes with a grumble, book sliding off his lap "what".

   Giovanni had a hand on his arm, it moved to keep his book from falling to the floor "we're almost there, I thought you would want to be awake".

   Ash jerked to sit up straight, rubbing his eyes "yeah, how close are we".

   Giovanni was pulling off the highway "minutes away".

   Ash watched out the window eagerly, barely noticing when Pikachu climbed onto his shoulder. He grinned when he started recognizing streets and buildings. He pressed against the window when he saw his own street, then his house. He pointed it out to Giovanni "that one".

   Gio smoothly pulled into the drive and turned the car off, twisting to see Yellow "Per wake her up". He eyed the house, checking automatically for any signs of danger or enemies. It was a simple little house that looked absolutely perfect, Giovanni didn't trust it.

   Ash grabbed his things and jumped out of the car, racing to the door with Pikachu and pounding his fist against in a hasty knock.

   Yellow and Persian came up to join him as Giovanni got his bag out of the car and locked it.

   Delia Ketchum opened the door "yes hel- ASH". She pulled her son into a tight hug "Ash I was so worried".

   Ash hugged her back "mom I've missed you".

   Yellow pipped up "I told you I would get him back and I did".

   Delia let go of Ash to smile at her "yes you did sweetie, thank you". Delia glanced around for the man who had kept Ash away, finding him waiting a bit down the drive. She went to him and looked him in the eye "so you're the man keeping Ash locked up".

   Giovanni looked back at her "I have sufficient reasons Mrs. Ketchum".

   Delia thought for a minute before shrugging "ok, he's unharmed and that's what matters, and please call me Delia".

Capturing the Heart [a pokemon fanfiction] (boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin