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Nick was standing in front of me, holding a sword that had been used to cut through my father's monstrous ghost. He dissolved while letting out a final roar. It was a gruesome sight.

My eyes widened. "I never thought you'd stoop so low as to try to drive someone insane." Nick said to Violet, with obvious disappointment. My mother charged with a vengeful cry, as she, too grew into a gigantic creature. Nick sighed.

He quickly kissed me on the cheek. My cheeks reddened. I touched my face where he kissed me and stuttered. Nick took a huge leap towards the monster and turned his head to look at me. He winked, not paying any heed to the ghost in front of him. It's claws slashed into his back.

His sword clattered to the ground.

His paralyzed expression remained on his face as he plummeted to the ground, his blood flying  into the air. A tear slipped down my cheek.


Nick landed with a loud crash onto the marble floor, instantly creating a pool of blood. Violet's eyes were wild, the look on her face saying: I didn't want this to happen.  I rushed to Nick's side as Violet temporarily distracted her monster.

Is it over?

All those times we spent together...

When he gave me this..

"Necklace!" I cried out, as hope slowly entered my mind "I can heal you!"

Violet gave the ghost specific commands.

Nick covered the necklace with his hands, keeping me from using it's power. "Hey, sto--" "Kill it." Nick looked at me, in pain "It's not your mom... It's an..."


Tears streamed from my wide eyes. I turned to the ghost, it charging again. I began to be enveloped with darkness once more-- but fought it. Using sheer willpower, I brought myself back to consciousness, and used the necklace's power to create a green shield. I rose to my "mother's" eye level.


I'll never forgive this! Not after what's happened...

I shot a beam at the monster as it swiped several times at me.

Violet walked over to Nick and squatted next to him. I couldn't really get a good look at her face because I was watching out of the corner of my eye. What I did see was her embracing him. Had she cared about him, too? Then I saw her face. Tears were glistening on her cheeks. Her eyes full of despair. My eyes refilled with tears at the sight. The monster lunged again.

I generated a giant glowing green hand that grabbed it's arm and smashed it into a pillar. It fumbled around in the dust and pieces, seemingly not able to get up. I powered down the necklace and landed with a delicate tap on the floor.

I felt an aching inside me.

Violet made some sort of motion with her hands.



She slowly turned her head to me, her face red and still covered in tears.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!"she cried with a sudden out burst.

"Wha-- How is this my fault? You're the one who summoned--"

A large shadow loomed over me.

The large pale claws grabbed me by my head, crushing it.

"It just is." Violet quietly retaliated as she flew from one of the large windows in the hall.

I was hurtled into a pillar, letting out a loud cry. A sharp pain exploded in my forehead. I began to fall. I touched my head and drew my hand in front of my eyes. A warm liquid was on my fingertips, and it flowed down my face.

One of the doors creaked.

I whispered the color to myself.


AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant