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Now I've caught you up on my story so far. Right now I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I just lost my sister and now my only plan is to rot away in this cell, as just another prisoner of the SFTN. Did I never tell you what it stood for? Well it's--

Wait, what's that?

Oh my god.

The necklace Nick gave me-- The gem is glowing-- It's floating towards me! I slam myself against the wall as it clips itself around my neck. "Wha--" Then I have a sinking feeling; I'm in total darkness, and being swallowed into the blackness. Something is calling me--

This necklace--


I pull from it, returning back to my own consciousness and body. I feel a sharp pain in my fist. I blink various times and realize I am standing outside of my cell. What just happened? I turn around and I see the bars have a large hole in them. Did I just do that?

I couldn't even see--


There's only one explanation for this. This necklace has to be the necklace. The necklace a whole legend was around, that no one was truly sure it existed. The necklace that tries to purge evil souls by making them take away the things they love. It takes over their mind and forces them to destroy.

In that case, I can't allow it to take over. I have to find Violet.

I take off down the hallway. I run into several guards, but I can take them on. I kick the bald one in the face. I really don't like him.

But I have to find her, because even though I have no ounce of hope left for Nick... I still believe that Violet is a good person.

Violet... I let her slip right through my fingers... My hair again... I won't let it stop me this time!

I grab a shard of glass from the floor. This place has a lot of random debris.

I bunch up all of my hair In a ponytail.



He said it made me look free. I remember when he first saw my hair down. The scene replays in my head.

"Crud. I lost my hair tie. I don't eve know why I keep my hair this long. It's really such a nuisance."

"Well... I like your hair down. It reminds me of those wild horses.. you know, with their mane in the wind. It makes you look.... free."

"Are you saying I look like a horse?"

"Wh-What?! No, I meant--"

I laughed. "I'm joking. I got it."

It stops. I look at the hair on the ground. Well, now I guess I am free. From his lies.

A/N: The first version of this story I wrote, I did a comic. When she cut her hair, I made it looks like Kisa's hairstyle from Fruits Basket. XD Now I sometimes imagine Kisa kicking these people's butts.

I start forward, and run into a group of guards. They recognize me, minus most of my hair. The leading one holds up some handcuffs. "Looks like you've lost your way."

"Not really." I say before being engulfed in darkness again. This time, I feel various pains: My head, my mouth, my cheek, etc. Then I feel my foot kick something--

I regain conciseness, and I am standing In a great hall, pillars lining it. Everything is pearl-colored. It's really very elegant. Nick is standing, wearing his black clothes that he had on from the mission he had been "captured" during under his cloak. (All agents are required to wear all black when they go on their missions) And next to him is a very flustered, red-faced Violet, wearing a.... white.... cloak....

"WHERE AM I? NICK, WHY ARE YOU HERE?! And Violet.." My voice gets quieter, "Why are you.. wearing... a.... cloak??" She smirks at me.

"It seems as if I taught you how to spot an official to soon..."

She shoots a ray of lightning from her hands at me.


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