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Saul had been successfully exchanged for five of Haqqani's men when embassy vehicles came under fire. Carrie was taking in the ferocity of the attack on the embassy vehicles, building and forty lives lost when Khan requested another night time rendezvous.

"You're in remarkable form for someone who had two RPG missiles fired at you and was pinned down by sniper fire," Khan pointed to the gush to the forehead

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"You're in remarkable form for someone who had two RPG missiles fired at you and was pinned down by sniper fire," Khan pointed to the gush to the forehead.

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"So this is OK with you? Haqqani using the hostage exchange to divert attention from the real target the US embassy? People are shouting his name in the streets. There are posters of him are everywhere as if he were a hero."

"I tried...," Khan smiled at the cutting tongue in Carrie's smart mouth. Carrie had phoned him for urgent reinforcements during the attack but Tasneen insisted he delay.

When telling his team to delay reinforcements, he used a secret phrase that meant that his men set out immediately and were in time to save Carrie, Saul and some of the marines with them.

"Tell me what you did to stop an attack that canonised a terrorist and wiped out an entire embassy."

"Apart from sending the men who saved you, you mean."

"Yeah, apart from that," she conceded.

"It wasn't an attack, it was a coup d'état. Do you think I want terrorists influencing the military and government of Pakistan? I don't, but I have to survive here. You on the other hand can get on a plane and go home..."

"That's what I'm trying to do."

"Really? Why are you still here then," Khan taunted.

"I'm missing someone and won't leave him behind."

"Peter Quinn," he asked. He noticed Quinn's intimacy with her at the airport.

"Our Chief of Support," she replied vaguely.

"Your Chief of Support," he smiled coolly, "I thought we're being honest.  After the attack, your Chief of Support abducted an ISI operative and burned down a bazaar. He's a calculated assassin going after Haqqani. Did you know he has been added onto the international watch list?"

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