Chapter 33

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"So you found the cure..." Meg said slowly, staring at me in disbelief.
"Yup." I nodded happily.
"And yet you're still infected?"
"Mmmhmm." I agreed.
"You're an idiot."
"It's just for a while." I explained. It seemed like only moments ago I'd refused the Doc's offer to inject with with an anti-adrenaline chemical strong enough that it would kill the virus in me instantly. I had put him down for various reasons: One, I didn't quite fancy the idea of being stuck with another needle. Two, I'd had enough dangerous chemicals injected into my body for a lifetime. Three, I wanted to see if I could cure myself. And, four, I wasn't completely eager to get rid of it all.
"Yeah. Liam, do you think I'm stupid? I know you're just enjoying yourself too much to heal yourself yet."
"It's that obvious?"
"Yeah." She nodded, and I shrugged. Sure, the mental effects of the virus sucked, being kind of schizophrenic and all. But being able to run faster than any other human, jump buildings and run up walls.... That wasn't half bad.
"I want to see if I can cure myself." I sighed.
"And I want to see you safe." She grabbed my hand, and an electric shock ran through my body. We were up in the lookout shack, alone on the roof, as the cold wind whistled hollowly through the wooden frame.
"I am safe."
"But Liam..." She said softly. "I know you think you've got it under control. And I understand why you don't want to Doc to put some chemical in your body and make it all better. But sometimes you're more scared of hurting your pride than your mind."
"What pride?" I joked, but she glared at me, not cracking a smile. She was serious, this time.
"I just..." She closed her eyes. "We're so close to the cure. Practically there. I couldn't stand it if... if it suddenly became too much for you, and you were lost forever... just when we're so close to the end of it all...."
"I won't lose control-"
"That's what you say!" She cried. "But you don't see yourself when you fade. The other day, up here... you don't know what it's like to watch somebody you know... to watch them lose their mind, even if it's only for a second... and to have that gut feeling that they're trying to kill you, and it's not even them!" She was practically screaming.
"I won't-"
"But until it's gone for sure, you could turn any minute-"
"Meg, listen to me!" I grabbed her other hand and stood facing her. Her breathing was loud and sharp in the tiny space. "Just... just listen. Look, I won't lose my head, not now. It's going away, Meg, I can feel it. The virus, whatever it is, it's dying-"
"But what if you suddenly need to do something that gets you worked up-"
"If I do, I'll know that you can pull me back." I cut her off, and she fell silent and stared at me. "Just like you did yesterday." I whispered softly, and it suddenly felt very still, despite the wind.
"What if I'm not there?"
"Why wouldn't you be there?"
"Liam, so many things can happen. There are so many things that could kill any one of us-"
"And there always have been." I interrupted. "People used to die, every day. Nothing is different now, except that there's one more danger in the world. And if we were really meant to die out... do you really think we would still be alive?"
Her eyes glittered with unshed tears, and she sighed.
"You do whatever you see as fit." She nodded, sniffling. I grinned at her.
"But if you become a zombie, it's not my fault!" She added sharply, punching me in the gut and disappearing into the attic before I could draw back my breath. There's the Meg we know.

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