Chapter 6: Like A Dying Rose

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As I get ready for the HIM concert the next afternoon, I’m beyond excited and ready to squeal. My motivation overcomes me and I curl my hair, put it up into a messy bun, and tie a bandanna around my head. The next thing I do is search through my closet and find another HIM shirt, shorts, and Converse. This feels likes meeting Bam all over again. Hearing the band live is going to bring back so many memories. Alex, Bam, Ryan and I are all going so it really is going to be like that night replaying. I wear the same lipstick, same eyeliner. After I’m ready to go, I head out into the living room where Bam is talking on the phone.

            “We’ll just go backstage before the show, then come back out to watch it.” He says, his phone pressed to his ear.

            “Alright. Awesome. Bye.” He hangs up and puts the phone in his pocket, turning to me.

            “Hey.” He says when he sees me.

            “I cannot wait for this concert.” I tell him, stepping close to him.

            “It’s going to be fucking rad.” He replies with a smirk.

            “Do I look okay?” I ask, spinning around.

            “You always look amazing.” He tells me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek.

            “You two are such love birds.” Ryan states as he wanders out of Alex’s bedroom, where she probably made him help her pick out an outfit.

            “We can’t help it,” Bam starts, pulling me close to him so our cheeks are smashed together.

            “We’re just so in love.” He adds, I giggle.

            “Isn’t that adorable?” I hear Alex say as she follows Ryan shortly after.

            Bam nuzzles my neck, making me laugh more, and gives me a kiss.

            “Are you guys ready to go?” Ryan asks.

            “Hell yeah.” I reply as Bam pulls away.

            “Time to rock and ral!” Bam cheers, swinging his head forward, and taking my hand.

            We’re a laughing mess as we leave for Bam’s Lambo and head to the venue.

            I’ve never been backstage before. It’s really noisy, you can hear the audience talking. It’s also quite dark until we find our way to the green room. A security guard is standing at the door but notices Bam and lets us in right away. Bam must do this often. Once we’re inside, I realize it isn’t that big. There are some food and drinks spread out on a small table in the far side of the room. Other than a small TV, the room is filled with sofas and chairs. I spot Ville sitting on one of the sofas, sipping on a beer. He sees us and nods.

            “What’s good, Bam?” A bigger guy with long brown hair and a beard greets him.

            “Who are these lovely ladies?” He asks as he walks towards us.

            “This is Ellie. That’s Ryan’s girl, Alex.” Bam explains.

            “Nice to meet you Ellie, Alex.” He says, holding out his hand.

            “Call me Migé.” He adds, shaking our hands.

            “We know who you are. You play bass.” Alex says and he nods approvingly.

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