Even A Jackass Needs Love

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Chapter 1

I touch up my black eyeliner and smear on some pink lipstick as I watch myself in the mirror. Metal music blasts through my apartment and I help myself from jumping around. I know my neighbors probably hate me. I'm so pumped for this HIM concert. I've been working my ass off and waiting months to get a chance to go. My roommate, Alex, is excited too. She's searching through my closet for something to wear tonight. She finds a black skirt that hugs her thighs perfectly, a HIM shirt that she cut up a bit, and black combat boots with studs on them. She looks amazing, as usual. Her dark auburn hair is perfect and her makeup is too. I take another look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing my own HIM t-shirt, black leather shorts that have zippers and chains, and black Converse.

"Ready to go?" She asks. I nod and we grab our stuff. We head outside and get in my car.

"I hope I can barely hear by the end of the night." Alex says. I smile and nod.

"I hope it's the best fucking night of my life." I reply.

I feel the music pounding in my chest and ring in my ears. Alex and I sing as loud as we possibly can, still not being heard over the music. We're up in the front, right in front of the stage. We're being pushed around but still having fun. She and I jump around to the music. Alex screams as she gets pulled up and starts crowd surfing. I laugh at the face she makes. I watch as she gets rocked up and down. She screams again when she almost falls but someone catches her. It's a guy with brown hair and a beard holding her. He has a skinny frame and isn't really tall or short. When Alex gets over the shock of almost getting trampled, she smiles up at him. I see her mouth a "thanks." He nods and helps her stand up. She makes her way back over to me, her cheeks flushing. We give each other a quick look before going back to being young and dumb.

Later, after the fucking amazing show, we're outside the venue. Alex and I aren't ready to go back to our apartment yet. I'm too wired now. I don't want to get super drunk, I'd like to remember this night tomorrow. As we wander around, we spot the guy with the beard from earlier.

"There's the guy that saved your clumsy ass." I say.

We notice another guy with him. He's slightly smaller with dark, curly hair, a goatee, and bright blue eyes. He has a big smile as they laugh about something.

"Whoa. His hot friend too." Alex adds. I give her a light push.

"What are you doing?" She asks, freaking out.

"Go talk to him." I say. She's silent as she thinks about it.

She doesn't get a chance to chicken out because the bearded guy spots her and doesn't take his eyes off of her.

"Now's your chance. Go." I order. I walk with her over to them.

"Hi." She says shyly. He looks kind of nervous.

"Hey." He replies.

"Um. Thanks for catching me earlier." She says. He nods and his hot friend elbows him in the ribs.

"I'm Ryan. This is Bam." He says, holding his hand out. She shakes it.

"I'm Alex. This is my roommate, Ellie." She responds. I give a smile and nod. He nods back. Bam doesn't take a second glance at me. I feel my stomach sink. It's always this way. Alex is beautiful, absolutely breathtaking. Then there's me. I'm not anything special. I have dark brown hair swept to one side, gray eyes, and I'm not as skinny as Alex. It's the same routine whenever I'm with guys, they ignore me and chase after her. I'm just Ellie.

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