Chapter 5 (Suspicion)

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It's been two days since Lewis and Lynelle left and so far, everything has been running smoothly. Simon has started to come in more to fill in a bit for Lewis and Turps has gotten the place under control. So far, unless they watch Lynelle, no one seemed to notice Lewis' absence but these pre-recorded videos aren't gonna last the week or however long they'll be gone.

I ventured downstairs and out of the doors of the building and started my walk back to my flat as there was nothing else to do here. All my work, done. Everything I needed to record, done. I've even gotten ahead of my schedule. I heard rushed footsteps behind me and my name being called out.

"Hey Dunc, leaving I see. Mind if I walk with you?"

"Sure Sjin. Whatever you want."

"So when do you think Lewis and Lynelle are coming back? I'm a bit worried that Lewis will salt up the place." I let out a small chuckle.

"I would say a week and few days is the maximum. Shouldn't be too long."

"True, I guess you're right. I don't think Lynelle would be able to stand him for too long by herself anyways."

"Excuse me." We both turn around to see a girl standing there along with a guy. They seem to be around the same age as each other. Despite their young appearances, I would guess that they're around Lynelle's age. Around 26-28 maybe. "Are you guys Duncan and Sjin from the Yogscast?"

"We sure are." Sjin answered in a cheerful tone.

"Yeah. We are." Something seemed a bit off with these two but I don't really know.

"Did you say that Lewis and Lynelle were taking a vacation? Together?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. They went to London."

"Why?" The guy asked.

"Lynelle was gonna bring her dog back from London but her car is no use so she got Lewis to drive her." He answered.

"Why Lewis?" The girl asked.

"They're dating now. I'm not sure if Lynelle has said it but there's the news." They looked at each other and back to us.

"Ok, thanks." The guy said and they walked off. On our walk back Sjin continued on about random topics but I couldn't help but think about the pair. Something seemed off about them. Really off. Almost like they're planning something. It's that I'm overthinking it or I'm actually right... Nah what are you thinking Duncan? Of course your wrong. What possible reason would they have to hurt Lynelle or Lewis?


I gave Lynelle a frown as she snatched the cup of tea out of my hands taking a sip. She looked at me.

"Is there a problem?" She asked innocently.

"Look, I know you're my girlfriend and all but that's my tea."

"And I happen to enjoy it. Sharing is caring."

"What if I don't care?" She looked at me with a fake sad face.

"You don't care about me?" She gave me the puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes in return and sighed.

"Fine. Keep the tea." She leaned over and gave me a small kiss then proceeded to cuddle with me on the couch.



"You bored of this place yet?"

"It's been one day. Things were just getting interesting."


We've been on this couch for at least an hour now and Lynelle has managed to fall asleep on me. I'm not complaining. I'm not far behind. I heard two male voices in the hallway coming closer to the living room, where we were. I recognised Lucas' voice but the other one was foreign to me. Soon enough both walked in. I looked up from my phone and looked at the guy. Tall, dark brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin. Looks like he has some sort of Mexican or Asian background.

"Lewis, this is Carlos. Lynelle's childhood friend." Lucas introduced. It looked like he was at least 6'4. I'm too short for this place.

"Just decided to stop by. It's been a while but it looks like she passed out."



I can't believe this. I spent so long trying to make her mine and yet, this is what I get?

I glance at the framed photo sitting on my desk. Soon Lynelle. Soon.

"Hey, it's confirmed. They are in London. We found Duncan and Paul."

"You know where she lives. Go and bring her here."

"I. Can't."

"And why not?"

"Carlos is uh there."

"And your point is?"

"She doesn't know."

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