Chapter 2 - The Sounds

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Now that Lewis is out I might as well take a shower. I spent a few minutes on my phone then walked into my room, pulled out random clothes and walked into the bathroom, I stripped down and as soon as I turned the water on I heard knocking on my door. I sighed.

"Just a moment." I called out as I quickly pulled on a robe. I heard another knock at the door. I rushed over to the door and opened it. "Lewis? What's wrong?" He walked in and flopped down back on the bean bag.

"You were about to take a shower weren't you? Sorry about that." He muttered. It was slightly muffled but I still understood him.


She sat down next to me on the floor. "Don't worry about that, what's wrong?"

"She broke up with me." I murmured. I was still faced down on the bean bag, I have no idea if she understood me. I guess she didn't because she pushed me rolled me over so I was lying on my back. "Hannah broke up with me. Can I stay the night?"

"You can stay for as long as you want Lewis. You can stay in the guest bedroom if you want."

"I'm fine in here."

"You'd rather sleep on a couch than a bed?"

"Look, Lynie. You don't have to pay too much attention to me. Just continue with what you were doing before I came here." She let out a silent sigh and walked back into the bathroom. I didn't want her worrying about me. This event was inevitable. I'll just let Hannah stay in the flat for the next couple of days until she can get herself somewhere decent to live. After all the flat is registered under my name.

10 minutes prior

"I think we should break up."

"Wait a minute. Break up?"

"Oh come on Lewis. Don't make such a big deal out of this. These stupid little fights have been going on for weeks and it's not getting any better."

"Fine then. You can stay here for as long as you want but I'll be out for a while. I'll see you at work." I stood up and walked out the door. I'll just head out to Duncan's but Lynelle is right here. I'll just stay at Lynelle's. She obviously doesn't have any company.


"Lewis. Lewis. Hey. Wake up." I slowly sat up and looked at the person who has decided to wake me up. "You alright there? You don't normally fall asleep on the job."

"Don't worry about me Dunc. I'm fine."

"Ok then. Just, don't hesitate to call me." he wandered back out and instead Lynelle walked in with a mug in hand.

"Since that you decided to stay awake most of the night, I have decided to bring you a cup of coffee." She set the mug down in front of me. I thanked her as she walked back out. I'm not a big fan of coffee but I'll have it anyways. I sighed and looked at the paperwork on my desk. I'll deal with that tomorrow. It's not really important.


I was lying down on the couch in the lounge area. I had finished the work I had to do today and of course, as you know, I don't have a car. Ok, well I do but it's currently getting repaired. I heard the door open and before you know know it. I have Hannah looking down on me.

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