Aveune 31 (A One Direction Fan-Fic) [ON HOLD]

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Yo, personally, I HATE 1D...(DON'T KILL ME YET DRIECTIONERS!!!) It's just...I didn't see the point in squealing over British/Irish guys who sing and are in a band. Yeah, there're great singers, got cool accents, are hot, and all that...but..really. What's there to get over excited about?

So..this is why i'm making this story. It'll be about my friends (who are Directioners), added with the near-deaf/near-mute girl: me. And, that deaf/mute part, is correct. That happened to me. But, almost. Mostly to my hearing, but, still...pretty close.

Well..........here ya go you..Directioners.

Oh, PS!! The EXTERNAL LINK shows what is happening during the song.

The SONG ON THE SIDE, is the one where I got the lyrics from.


 Samantha Calabrese, Kellilyn Wickham, Lily Allison, and Camryn Tutor were all best friends since preschool, they were inseprateable. They were practially sisters. Soon though, over time...things change. Sometimes for better, other times...for worse.

In the 3rd grade, a simple mistake made by Sam made the others hate her, each other, and then it all fell down from there. After drifting apart, they never saw each other again until their 7th year in school.

But, when Sam wins a contest for a concert with tickets for four, will the group finally make up? Or is the concert more than what it seems? Who or what is 'Aveune 31'?


Sam's POV-3rd grade

After Mom dropped me off, I walked into my school. Going up the many stairs was annoying, but, I did so. After I reached the 3rd floor, I walked quickly, following the many students that were going in all directions. After reaching room 304, I hung up my bookbag, took out my pencils and a notebook, and sat in my seat. I opened my notebook and began to write. Writing lyrics for songs that is.

Three girls approached me. One with brown-ish blonde hair and green eyes and glasses, one with blonde hair and blue eyes, and the last girl had blonde hair with brown eyes. These were my bestfriends, Kelliyn Wickham, Lily Allison, and Camryn Tutor. (In that order.)

I smiled at them from my seat, and Kelly sat in front of me with Camryn on my right and Lily on my left. They each pulled out their own notebooks filled with songs. I flipped to the latest song we were making: Servant of Evil.

Some might say that i'm too young to be able to spell hard words or act beyond my years, but, I am mentally older then how I look or act. I've always wondered if these people even knew the true meaning of 'friendship'...

Anyway, our first class period was always a 'free' one, so, we would be able to do whatever we wished. Of course, the teacher is in the room.

I stood up from my seat and told the trio that I would be right back.

I walked over to the teacher, Mrs.Huggins. (Said HUE-GIN, the s is silent.)

"Mrs.Huggins, can you turn the music on? I already have the CD here....but, after the first few lines there is going to be a 'speaking part'. That also happens again near the middle of the song."

My blonde haired, blue eyed teacher just nodded as I handed her the CD. She popped it into the player and waited until we were ready.

You see, me, Kelly, Camryn, and Lily make songs. After we have the lyrics written and printed, and have the beat and melody and all that, we go to my house to record it. My dad (with the help of his friends and other family members), made a record studio for me. We would be able to make and finish our songs all at once and then get the CD with the music on it a day after we've done it. Though, we do have more money then most people, we are not rich.

Aveune 31 (A One Direction Fan-Fic) [ON HOLD]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ