My Tour Guide Is Crazy

Start from the beginning

"How have you been Matt dear?" She asked sweetly. So she knew Matt, great. I turned to my mum for some kind of explanation, but her attention wasn't on me, rather the conversation before us. I sighed in frustration, it seemed I would never get the answers I wanted.

"Hello Madam Toothane, I am well" Toothane, what kind of name was that? It sounded ridiculous, like some kind of disease for your teeth.

"Well I'm glad, we've missed you here Matt and it's good to have you back" she smiled, patting Matt on the head as if he was a dog. Wait, hold up missed you, back, so Matt had been here before. Great, has he got any more secrets he's keeping from me, like a long lost twin or something. Wait, please don't let that last one be true, the world wouldn't be able to handle two Matts. Matt nodded in response and Madam Toothane's attention moved onto my mother.

"Maddison darling what a surprise, we thought we would never see you again, after what happened last time of course" I frowned, what happened last time? I noticed the look on my mothers face, it was one of discomfort as if the questions was causing her physical pain. Instead of answering the question she turned to me.

"I'm going to have to leave you now Cosimia, okay, be good and stay safe. Don't worry, they will look after you here, you just have to trust them. I love you never forget that" with that, she turned around and headed back to her car, climbed in and started up the engine. I called out, telling her to wait and explain things to me, but that point she had already pulled out onto the road. Don't I just have the best mum.

After that, I was told to enter the room at the end of the hallway, while Matt ran off in some other direction to do god knows what, leaving me alone to my brand new surroundings. I pushed on the black oak door, it swung open revealing a large lavishly furnished room beyond. Two black leather sofas seemed to take up much of the room. They stood in front of a large fireplace the looked like it was made from expensive marble that seemed to shine under the dim candlelight that, from what I could tell, was the only source of light in the room, apart from the roaring fire. But the fire didn't have the calming orange flames that I was so used to, oh no, green flames enveloped the fireplace hissing and spitting, like a snake, at the inhabitants of the room, who at this time happened to be just me. Great so I've been here for about five minutes and the fire already has a grudge against me, fantastic. As I edged closer the cracklings grew louder as if warning me to stay away. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I swung round sharply to see who it was, relaxing when I realised that it was Madan Toothane. She smiled kindly at me as if she understood my paranoia and that fact my mother hand just abandoned me and Matt at this strange place.

"How are you liking it so far my dear?" She asked sweetly, giving me a toothy grin, making her look more scary than comforting. I was pretty sure if I was a bit younger I would have been terrified. I smiled back anyway, knowing that she meant well, or at least I hoped so.

"It's a very nice house" I replied sincerely, I was telling the truth it was a beautiful building with its oak flooring with strange carvings engraved in every surface, the spiralled staircase I had seen in the entrance hall and the stain glass windows with intricate drawings depicting different Greek stories. Before I could stop her, Madam Toothane shot off in another tale behind the history of the house. I meant ally groaned in frustration, honestly, I didn't care about the history, I just wanted to have a look round.

I thought she'd never stop but the sound of the door creaking over seemed to put a halt to her tale, I mentally thanked whoever it was as they had saved me from a long and painful death. I turned my attention towards the door away from the woman in front of me. I looked over at the figure who had just entered the room. The first feature of his that I noticed was his stark white hair that looked like freshly fallen snow. It hung limply around his face obstructing his eyes from my view. Part of me wondered how he was able to see and the other wondered whether or not he bleached his hair, I mean surely it couldn't be natural. The next distinct feature was how small he was, no he wasn't a dwarf but he wasn't reaching the top of any shelves, as he barely came up to my shoulder. He was wearing tight black skinny jeans that seemed to hug his hips along with a black button-up shirt. He had dark grey converses on and a dark blue scarf wrapped tightly around his neck, seeming to be the only colour in his outfit.

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