CHAPTER #2- New Possibilities

Start from the beginning

"Thanks. I'm about to just drop the class, but my grandmother would disown me," Nari said and hung her head, blinking quickly to keep the tears from falling again.

"I hear you rescued Haru. A gracious heart is more important than speaking the native tongue. You're a good person in my books," Jay kindly pointed out.

"Any advice on how to learn Korean... at least to speak it, even if I can't read it?" Nari asked.

"Watch TV: kids programs, cartoons and movies. Even if you read the subtitles in English, you'll pick up words. Listen to AOMG artists and illionaire, we mix it up with English and Korean in our music," Jay smiled as he did a plug for them and his friend Dok2.

Nari grinned, "nice one. I see why you two are the CEO's. Simon D was listening to Solo in the car last night."

Simon D made her laugh, when he high-fived Jay Park and then blew on his fingers, before wiping them on his shirt. Jay Park showed off on the electric scooter board and her smile reached her eyes. Some of the other guys came out to see what was going on and joined in the clowning. When Simon D began to beat box, Ugly Duck started to freestyle rap and then Gray and Cha Cha appeared.

"Hey wait, do that again," Cha Cha said, liking the rhythm and words.

Gray nodded, "that's good. Keep going."

Simon D whispered to Nari, "sometimes just being silly, helps with the creative process."

"It's awesome, like at a jam session with a band. Same thing really. I love watching things like that." Nari whispered back.

Cha Cha asked, "Simon D do the beat box again."

Simon D obliged and Cha Cha waved him into a room with a keyboard and computer. He began working on a melody. Ugly Duck followed, continuing with rapping, while Gray recorded it on his cell. That left Jay with Nari.

"Hmm, maybe you're our muse."

Nari laughed, "yeah right. I wish. Thank you for your advice. It's not my nature to give up, but ...."

"You don't have to explain, I get it.... You're not like our usual fans," Jay observed.

"Thanks I think."

His turn to chuckle, "what I mean is that usually our fans, scream and ask for swag or try to rip our clothes off."

"Yeah, that would be most fangirls. You guys are human, even if we act like you're gods when on stage. I haven't done anything to deserve receiving stuff."

"Tablo and his daughter are important to us. That means, you are too."

Simon D reappeared, "that's what I told her too."

"I did what any decent person would do; help a distressed child. And Simon D, you already repaid me for that, with dinner last night."

Jay smirked, he hadn't heard of that date. He raised an inquiring eyebrow at Simon D, who just shrugged and changed the subject.

"So what are your talents, other than child rescue?" Simon D teased.

"I'm a decent cook, even if my grandmother doesn't think so. I draw and write a little. My art's more abstract. I can't sing and I dance just as bad."

Neither Simon D nor Jay Park liked that she bashed herself and they were beginning to not like the grandmother either. Both wondered why her self esteem was so low, it couldn't just be due to the language course.

"Did your mother like the video you took of the Moonlight Rainbow?" Simon D asked.

"She loved it.  And I got her to laugh, when I described my experience eating the chilli paste." Nari explained to Jay, "my mom is terminally ill with cancer. We moved here so my grandmother could take care of her."

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