PHASE 10: Fall

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- July 17 -
> Mononoke POV <

     They layed me in on a bed and stabbed a bunch of wires and machines on my legs, arms, and back. They stung A LOT. " Don't worry, you'll be okay..... maybe", a woman said next to me. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the ceiling, vision even more blurry then before. I couldn't move not because it hurt, I was fine. They've been sucking chakra out of me and I have no strength. If I could move, they'd all be dead by now, shredded to pieces.

> Kakashi POV <

I open my eyes to blinding light. "Kakashi!", Rin calls my name. My head laid on something soft. I groan as I sat myself up. "Are you okay?", Rin asks touching my shoulder. " I think so", I said. " Of course you are, you've been out for four days kid", Crystal said. I saw a small smile spread across her voice, hardly noticeable. That's when I noticed that what my head laid on was her blue tail, her body laying next to mine. She stretched her legs and stood up. " Well we better start moving to this so called Iwagakure", she said and starting walking into the forest, the other wolves following her.

     " Oh I can't wait till we get to the Land of Earth! I've always wanted to go there", Jay said happily. She skipped and jumped through the trees a lot, she's probably the most lively one in the group. " What makes it so exciting to you?", Rin asks. " The MOUNTAINS! Just running up those makes me so jittery!", she says zipping through the valley in front of us causing loose grass and flowers to whip in the sky. Grey makes a deep sigh hanging his head low to the the ground. Jay suddenly stops causing her claws to dig into the ground.

" WHAT IF AN AVALANCHE WERE TO HAPPEN!!!! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!", she exclaims. Her ears perked up, her eyes widened in joy. " That's Jay for ya", a wolf chuckled. " One day I'm gonna teach that pup when to shut up", Grey growled. We all suddenly laughed. It hurt my shoulder a lot, but I didn't care. " Is this it?", Crystal says stopping her tracks. A long range of steep peaks stood before us and a narrow pathway that one mistake, you'd fall into sharp rocks below.

" Congratulations for making it to the last game! This time all of you must go and then you'll have a chance in saving your poor friend. As usual, you can't use any ninjutsu and etc. Have fun!", a voice said. " That's the same voice from Mizugakure", Minato said. " Well then let's go", Crystal said. She stepped onto the narrow path, Jay following right behind. It amazed me how they were able to balance. An hour or so later, Jay suddenly jumped off the path, her claws scraping the steep peak. She does a 360 turn and then.... runs sideways? She ran on the side of the mountain as if she was on flat ground. " Woooooohooooo", she howls in joy.

Grey and Crystal jumped off too, Crystal took lead. " Ah man, that's so cool!", Obito said. " Kakashi!", Crystal calls. " Part of the mountain is broken in half up ahead!", she shouted. " What?!", Kimiko exclaims. As we stepped in to a wide, flat ground, Crystal was right. I giant 50 ft gap of nothing split the mountain in two. Crystal, Grey, and Jay met up with us on the rocky platform. " How are we suppose to go through the that?", Kimiko asks. " We could jump through that just fine. You humans are the problem", Grey snaps. "What?", Kimiko barks. Grey made a deep growl under his throat.

" Kimiko that's enough", Minato orders. Kimiko's bad attitude wasn't helping the situation at all. I notice Crystal standing on the edge of the platform. " What is it?", I ask walking up to her. " This is...... genjutsu", she whispers. " What?", I whisper back. She places one paw in the middle of the air, but it sat on something firm. Everyone was watching now. "Crystal..", Grey called. " I'm fine", she said back. She stretched her other leg out, but instead of landing on something, it went right through and Crystal's whole body fell over.

" Crystal!", Jay screams running to the edge next to me. " Stop! I'm fine", she growls under her breath. Her body hanged in midair. Her claws stabbed into nothing as she pulled herself up. " Kai!", Minato said and foot wide thin pathway appeared. " We're suppose to walk on that?!", Rin said in fear. Crystal grunted and she slowly slid down a foot. "Crystal!", Grey shouted this time. She closed her eyes. I saw her claws slowly come out of the holes they made. I stared at her.

" Crystal?", I whispered telepathically. "Sorry kid", is all she said. Her body tumbled down and the shadow of the mountain consumed her. " Crystal!", I shouted. " No way", Rin whispered, tears running dow her face. I look at Jay, her legs were shaking. I lightly patted my hand on her collar, she closed her eyes and looked away. " We can't stop now that we've gone this far, let's go", Grey ordered as he started walking on the foot wide path.

     The usual cheerful and happy Jay solemnly followed Grey onto the path, her hand hanging low. The other wolves followed just as sad as Jay. " Are they serious?", Obito asked. " They're probably trained to deal with deaths of their comrades", Kimiko kept ranting on not caring of what just happened. I felt my fists ball up, my teeth grinding together under my mask. " Kakashi?", Rin whispered. " Shut up!", I snapped as I grabbed Kimiko's collar. " All this time you didn't care whatsoever happened. Not the fact that one of your comrades is kidnapped! At least Crystal tried to help us even though they don't trust humans! You should've been the one who fell of the cliff instead of Crystal! She would've been a lot more useful than you!", I yelled throwing Kimiko to the ground. " I'm going", I said and followed Jay across the path.

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