PHASE 1: The Human World

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- February 28th -
> Mononoke POV <

     " Do I have to go?", I ask walking out of the mountains hidden entrance. " No questions about your training. I've already contacted the humans and they're waiting for you", my mother says. " Now go, don't  disappoint me while your gone", she added. " Fine", I say rolling my eyes. I changed into my human form that I've been practicing to my liking. Not long later, at least to my speed, I stood in front of huge wooden gates. " Oi! Who are you!", I heard a human say in a corner of the gate just inside the walls.

     " You don't have to worry. Come with me", said somewhat an oldish man who wore with robes with a few red shapes stitched to them. I followed him through the streets of what they call their village. Humans crowded the streets in tall buildings. We walked up to a round red buildings stacked on each other like a 3-layer cake with a mini wall around it. " We're not quite there yet", said the oldish man. Ugh, walking with two legs is so much more tiring than I thought I said in my head. We walked up a few stairs and entered a room with a desk stacked with papers.

     He sat on the desk and looked at a few papers while I stood in the middle of the room. " Okay, I'm gonna just ask a few simple questions since the person who sent you here didn't tell me anything", he said after a few minutes of silence. Person? Oh please. " What's your name?", he asks. I haven't thought of a human name yet, oops. " Okami", I answer. "Just Okami?", he asks. I just look at him. "What about your age?", he asks the second question. Holy mother of  beasts I don't know my human age. I'll just make it a bit young.
" Thirteen", I reply.

      " Is there anything else you want me to know about like any troubles or things you wouldn't want to do here in the village or any type of illness or allergy you have?", he asks.
" No", I answer. " Okay, well I'm the third hokage of the Konoha Village. You can just call me Third for short", he says with a smile. " So this is the newbie that's gonna be living with me?", I hear another voice say behind me. I turn around to see  a man with white spiky hair that went all the way down to his waist. I'm not gonna describe the rest of him because he reminds me of a frog. I hate frogs.

     " Yes, she goes by Okami and is thirteen years old. Okami this is Jiraiya, you'll be staying with him", said the Third. I have to stay with him? Great, I bet he's a pervert. I can tell just by looking at him and the way he's looking me. " If you ever look at me like that again I swear I'll kill you", I said with a glare. He was obviously intimidated by my look.
" She caught you the first minute you met. You have good eyes child", said the Third giving a small chuckle. " Come on kid", said Jiraiya walking out the door. I followed him until he opened a door to a different building. "Welcome to my home", he said as I walked in.

His home wall surprisingly clean. On a short coffee table lay a pencil and a stack of paper. I also noticed many full book shelves across the walls. " You like to read. Am I wrong?", I say still walking around the living space. " Yeah, it's a hobby ever since I started writing. I have a couple of books out, but they're not for your age so you're not allowed to read them", he said He was not good at hiding emotions which makes it easier to understand him I guess. "Your room is upstairs if you want to check it out. It's really simple because I thought you would like to decorate it on your own", he said walking into the kitchen.

I walk upstairs to my room and it was simple, I guess, like he said. There was a desk, a closet, dresser, a small bulletin board, and a bed with gray covers. I like it. I don't like to much stuff in my space. Three books, a few pencils, a couple of notebooks, and a stack of paper sat on top of the desk. I turn on the human light source called a lamp I guess. It lit up brighter than the ones at home, but it wasn't as pretty. I slump down on the bed and look at the ceiling. I wonder if the stars look different over here I thought until Jiraiya called for me downstairs.

" Dinners ready", he says putting down a bowl in front of me. There was thick noodles, an egg, and a few slices of pork. It was very good. It wasn't like Mother's cooking, but it was better than I thought human food would taste like. " It was good", I said after I finished my food. " I'm glad you liked it", he said picking up my bowl and putting it in the sink. I stood up and walked into my room and then into the bathroom that was connected to it. I brushed my teeth, changed into comfortable clothes, and then went to bed.

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