PHASE 6: The Western Channel Islands

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- July 1 -
> Kakashi POV <

" So what are we gonna do if those wolves find us?", said Kimiko. We were on a boat and the islands were close. " We will tell them why we came and ask for they're help", Rin replied. No one really knew though. We don't know if they'll even give us a chance to talk. We decked on shore and walked on the beach. " I didn't know wolves could live in jungles", Obito said as we faced a huge jungle that covered the island and mountains. " Do you think they'll hear us if we yell?", Obito asks. " Yes they probably will if they are even alive", Kimiko snaps.

" Why have you come here?", a voice said inside the jungle. We all look at each other. "We've come here to request help from the Blood Claw Wolf Clans", Minato said stepping in front of us. " What makes you think a myth would help you?", said the voice. " We believe a new comrade has come from here. She has been kidnapped and we hoped you'd help us find her", Minato answered. " What makes you think a myth would believe you?", asked the voice again. " We kind of hoped you'd believe us", Kushina replied. There was a moment of silence before it spoke again.

     " The boy with silver hair, walk into the jungle. The rest stay here", the voice said. I looked at Minato-sensei. He thought about it for a while, but finally let me go. I walked into the jungle. There was no one around. "Continue walking forward boy", the voice said again. I did as it told me. Not long later, deep inside the jungle, a huge gray wolf sat in front of me. When I say huge, I mean HUGE. It's eyes stared into mine. " Walk over here boy, but one move that I am unsure of, you and your friends will die", the wolf said.

     I walk up to the wolf slowly. " Don't move", she said. Hopefully it was a she. It sounded like one. Her eyes glowed for a second and then it stopped. " You speak of truth", she said. " Does that mean you'll help us?", I ask. " That isn't for me to decide. Follow me and you won't get killed", she said standing up. " And don't speak unless your told too", she said turning around. I followed her through trees and rocks. I couldn't tell if anyone was following us and I  was filled with questions. Is Okami really not human?

     The wolf stopped in front of a huge mountain. " What is the meaning of this?", another wolf appeared. This one was a bit larger and more muscular. " This boy seeks help from us to save one of our kind. I've already tested him", she said back. " One of our kind?", the male questioned. She simply nodded. He looked at me, his eyes were fierce. He stepped to the side not letting his glare of me. The wolf walked right through the mountain and I did the same. Invisible doorway. Neat. We walked through dark hallways when she turned left. I could feel the ground lift up and become steep. The wolf wasn't bothered, but I was tired from all this walking.

     " Try to keep up, we're almost there", she said not slowing down her speed. The hallway eventually lead into a humongous room. On the other side of the room lay the biggest wolf I've ever seen in my life. Ten times bigger than the one that brought me here. The one I followed bowed to the bigger one and I did the same. I'm not taking any chances in killing myself and the others. " You've got quite the good manners. What brings you here?", she said. I vert my eyes toward the gray wolf next to me. "My friends and I come here for your help", I answered.

     I felt sweat go down my face. The aura coming of the big one was frightening. I heard her scoff. " You're afraid of me. I don't blame you human, but why help from us?", she asks. "It's kind of a long story. My friends and I think our kidnapped friend came from here", I answered. I felt my body shake. " You can sit down now", she said. I didn't move. This could probably be a test. The wolf next to me sat down, but I didn't. I felt the wolf smile. " I mean it", she said. I finally sat down and looked up at the wolf.

      She was different. She was white with black tattoos top to bottom. Her yellow eyes glowed. She wore jewels on her wrists, ankles, ears, neck, and head. One large one in particular looked like it was forged into her forehead. " I look different than you expected guessing from your expression", she said. Her mouth didn't move, but her voice came out. I looked down at the ground. " You said you wanted our help, whom of our kind was taken away from you?", she asked. " She said her name was Okami", I replied. " Okami?", she repeated. I nodded my head.

     Her face became serious. " Who took her?", she asked. " A women with long black hair. She wore a black dress with pink flowers embedded on it", I replied. The wolfs face became dead serious now. Very scary. " Crystal, take five warriors you trust into the mainland and bring her back here", the wolf ordered. The one next to me looked startled. " Are you serious?", she asked. " Do I look like I'm kidding?", the wolf snapped back. " No, my queen", Crystal then stood up and looked at me. " Let's go", she said. I got up, thanked the queen, and followed the Crystal back outside.

     " Kakashi!", Rin said. She looked like she was gonna cry. I saw they're eyes become big when they saw how big Crystal and her followers were. Minato then smiled and said "I'm looking forward to working with you".

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