PHASE 8: Lightning

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- July 10 -
> Kakashi POV <

     It's been six days since we " won " the Water Game. The next game was at the Cloud Country. At least that was where the map was taking us. " So what's the weather in the Cloud Country? Is it cloudy?", asked one of the wolves. I think her name was Jay. I guess it turned out to be a joke and the wolves started laughing except Crystal. Just then end of her lips went up a bit. " How is that funny? That was stupid", Kimiko snapped. Grey started growling at her making Kimiko regret what she said.

     " What's her problem?", I heard Crystal ask in my head. " Why would I know?", I replied back. I heard her scoff next to me. Her shoulders were only a bit over my head. They shrunk there size a lot so that they wouldn't be as noticeable. When we went into a village for supplies the wolves would stay in the forest. After this couple of weeks traveling with Crystal, I kinda found a little bit more about her. She doesn't smile a lot or look happy, mostly serious. She pretty much only talked to me, like Okami, besides Minato-sensei.

" Okay, but I'm serious now, is it actually cloudy?", Jay asks again. " Well, it has normal weather unlike to Water Country. The shinobi there are a bit.....", Kushina trailed off. "Rowdy", Minato said finishing her sentence. "Why don't we just avoid them then?", Grey says. " What's your business here?!", a Kumogakure shinobi yelled. " Uh.....", Minato said can't thinking of a answer. I looked to the side and saw that Crystal, Grey, Jay, and the other two wolves gone. " We have a message for the Raikage", Kushina finally answered. All the sudden everything went white blinding everyone.

> Mononoke POV <

     " Your quite a bit more beautiful than I anticipated", a man said. I didn't bother to open eyes. My whole hurt just moving an inch. " She's a huge trouble though. You have no idea how much trouble I had taking her away from her petty friends", said my captor. Her annoying voice made me want claw her tongue out. I opened my eyes a tiny bit, my vision was blurry. " Nasty eyes too", she added. I scoffed which caused a huge shock of pain down my throat. I bared my teeth. " Shall we get started?", the man smirked. Kakashi.....

> Kakashi POV <

The light died down and I focused my eyes on what was I front of me. The cloud ninjas lay on the ground unconscious, Crystal and the others walked out from trees. " What'd you do?", Kimiko asked. The tone in her snotty voice hasn't changed. " Secret. Let's start moving before they wake up. They won't remember that we ever came by", Grey said. There was serious hatred vibes between those too. The cloud never came after us so I guess what meant what he said. " A cave underground. Does enemy intend to bury us now?", Crystal said. Her voice was strained. "What? You don't like the underground? I though dogs enjoyed that since they like to dig and bury their bones", Kimiko said. She's so stupid.

All the wolves started growling fiercely at her, their claws digging into the ground. " You better shut your mouth before I bite your head off human", Crystal snapped. " Woah, woah, okay. No reason to get all fired up here. Please bare with her for now? I know what she said was rude, but forgive her for now. Please?", Minato said standing between them. I found it brave for Minato to stand in front of Crystal, she had the most scariest teeth by far. Her fangs five times larger than the others. Her growl deeper, she opened her mouth a little, her tongue flicked. She closed her mouth shut, closed her eyes, and turned away from Mianto and Kimiko.

" Crystal", Grey mumbled through his baring teeth. " I'll let her go for now, but one more remark from her and I'll crush her body my claws", Crystal said walking towards the cave. " Your coming this time too, Grey", she said inside. He immediately followed her inside. Obito came with us this time which I really wish he hadn't. " Who's he? I don't remember his name", I heard Crystal say in my head. " Obito", I answered. " Humph", she said back. The road didn't go as smooth as last time. Though the hallway was much larger, but there were tons of booby traps.

     " I think the enemy does intend to bury us", Grey said looking up at the crack and crumbled up ceiling. " What does that have to do with Lighting though?", I  ask. " Maybe we have to be " fast as lighting ", or whatever it means", Crystal answered. " Or, we actually have to go through lightning", Minato said in front of me. We all look a head to find a room with lighting zapping the floor all over. It was half the height of the mountain in the first game, but the didn't really help. " Holy crap", Grey whispers behind. " We have to go through that with mere strength and speed?", the wolf added. "Well, it can't be that hard", says so Crystal. She zipped through the room no problem.

     Unlike her, the lighting hit the back of my shoulder, hard. I hit my head on the rock ground unable to move. My body lay limp to the ground. " Kakashi!", I heard Minato yell in a distance. Claws scrape the ground and picks me up. The fur was soft and comfortable. Wind blew threw me making it extremely cold. " Are you okay kid?", Crystal said in my mind. " I don't know. My shoulder blade hurts.... a lot", I reply. " How is that an okay?", she smirks. I don't remember what happened after that. I guess I fell asleep.

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