20. The Dragonfly

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"I'd love to," I smile at him, seeing his face light up at my answer.

"Alright, go shower and get warm Ms.Gilmore. It seems our night has a ways to go yet and I can't cuddle a popsicle," he smirked at me.

Is it just me or did it just get a whole lot hotter in here? Maybe it's just the massive blush on my cheeks.


I showered as quickly as I could and just as she said, my mom had already been in and left me a pair of my old pajamas. From the looks of it she took my wet clothes, too.

After getting dressed and blow drying my hair finally I hear the knock I've been waiting for. Butterflies are already churning in my stomach.

"Why hello there," I say as I open the door finding Logan standing there. It's hard not to laugh as I notice what he's wearing.

"I think Luke is still trying to get some sort of revenge for that trip," he says gesturing to the Martha's Vinyard sweat pants and tee shirt he has on. "And here I thought that we had become friends on that trip," he shook his head in fake misery.

"I think they suit you, turn around." He does as I say and yup, I'm right. They most definitely suit him. I bet he could make a paper bag look good. "Eh. Not bad," I smirk at him.

"Yeah yeah, we gonna watch these movies or what? I just checked and we've already missed half of My Fair Lady," he announced as he flopped down on the bed, turning the TV on.

"Aw I love that movie," I pout as I climb up on the bed. I'm not sure if I should stay on my side or snuggle into him.

"C'mere Ace," he almost whispers making my mind up for me. I don't even bother trying to hide my grin as I scoot across the bed to lay beside him. He wraps one of his arms around me as I rest my head upon his chest and we both get lost in the story.

Just as Higgins was about to win the bet, Logan breaks the silence between us.

"So Ace, we never did talk about us," he gathers up my hand that was splayed on his stomach and intertwined it with his.

"Oh?" Is all I can manage as I feel like my heart has jumped into my throat.

"Yeah, I feel like today was kind of an indicator that maybe we should try again....what do you think?"

I sit up a bit to find him already staring back at me, his eyes anxiously trying to read my expression. This is something that I both want and fear.

"Are you sure? I mean look at our track record. We haven't exactly been the best at this."

"I'm sure Ace," he chuckles. "We've both matured and found our places in the world. I feel like this might just work this time around. We could take it slow if that would make you feel better. I will be the best boyfriend I can be: taking you on dates, having movie nights with you like this, just like we used to do only this time better. Our past mistakes don't have to dictate our future, we can decide what we want to do together. What do you say Ace?"

His words make my heart race in the most delicious way. He sounds so sincere and I love it. It may just be the high from today but I can't help but already know my answer without having to think any more.

"We could give it a try," I smile at him as he grins back at me. He leans up taking me with him as he places both his hands on either side of my face, gingerly pulling me into him.

"Thank you, Ace," he mumbles against my lips. This may just be the best night I've had in a long time.

Omg so I found something that says a bit of something that could possibly be a spoiler and I'm screaming!


So I had already seen that Logan is only supposed to be in 2 of the 4 episodes being made and I've heard rumours of a wedding but I didn't want to get my hopes up. Apparently Logan is supposed to be in the final episode for sure (don't quote me on this lol) and several of the life and death brigade as well as Mitchum Huntzberger! Sounds like team Logan to me lol

Also apparently someone who has been working on the scripts was asked if Rory will choose one of the exes and his answer pretty much says that she will lol

If any of you want the link just ask 😁

Someday, Ace [Rory & Logan]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt