"Yeah." Says Sam.

"Nothing's falling in line."

"Here. Drink. Good." Sam says.

"Thank you." Dean says. "Hey...where's Elena?"

"I don't know. I just guessed she was abducted too." Sam says. "She wasn't in the cornfield."

Dean sighs. "Great." He says lamely.

"Yeah. Now. Come on. Talk to me. What happened?"

"Well, uh, there was this... God help me, Sam, there was this bright white light!" Dean yells.

"It's okay." Sam pats Dean's leg. Dean looks at him incredulously. "Safe room."

"And then suddenly, I was, uh, I was in a different place." Dean says. "And there were these beings, and they were too bright to look at, but I could feel them pulling me towards this sort of table—"

"Probing table!" Sam yells.

"God! Don't say that out loud!"

"Right. So what did you do?" Sam asks.

"I went crazy. I started hacking and slashing and firing." Dean says. "They actually seemed surprised. I don't think anybody's ever done that before. Yeah. I had a close encounter, Sam, and I won."

"You should take a shower." Sam says.

"I should take a shower. I'm gonna, I'm gonna take a shower now."

[ ☼ ]

Elena's eyes open as she takes in her surroundings. There's a infinite beeping, the sound an IV makes. She looks around and sees that Dean and Sam were missing. "Hello?" She calls out. She puts her hand to her forehead which was throbbing.

"Hi Elena. I'm the Doctor here." A Black Woman says.

"How did I get here?" Elena asks.

"A Young Man found you in the cornfield." She says. "He carried you all the way here. You suffered a hard hit to the head, but you should be fine. We'll have you stay over the night."

Elena's eyes go wide. "No no no. I have to get back to my friends and tell them what I saw." She says.

"There are no phones are open." The Woman says. "You'll have to stay here over night, I'm sorry."

[ ☼ ]

"So, on top of all the demons and the angels and the ghosts and the skinwalkers, it turns out that there's—" Dean starts. "So if aliens are actually real, what's next? Hobbits? Seriously." Sam watches a girl pass by. "You just gave her the silent how ya doin'."

"What?" Sam asks.

"Our reality's collapsing around us, and you're trying to pick up our waitress?" Asks Dean.

"Yeah." Sam says nonchalantly. "Okay. Look. Brings up a question. So, say you got a soul and you're on a case, and your brother gets abducted by aliens—"

"Yeah, then you do everything you can to get him back."

"Right! You do, but, what about when there are no more leads for the night?" Sam asks. "Are you supposed to just sit there in the dark and suffer, even when there's nothing that can be done at that moment?"

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