Poseidon's lovers and children

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Poseidon: At least I'm faithful to my wife

Zeus: Fuck you

Amphitrite: *Pulls out a giant book titled: All of Poseidon's lovers and children*

Hera: Holy shit that's a big book

Amphitrite: With Aphrodite you had Rhode and Herophile the Sibyl. With Demeter there's Despoina and Areion, the talking horse. Gaea, Antaeus and Charybdis. Hestia you wooed her unsuccessfully Aba, nymph Ergiscus Agamede Dictys Aethra Theseus Alistra Ogygus Alcyone Aethusa Hyrieus Hyperenor Hyperes Anthas Alope Hippothoon Amphimedusa, Erythras Amymone Nauplius Arene Idas Arne / Melanippe Aeolus Boeotus Arethusa Abas Ascre Oeoclus Astydameia, {daughter of Phorbas} Caucon Astypalaea Ancaeus Eurypylus of Kos, Beroe {daughter of Aphrodite} Boudeia / Bouzyge
Erginus Caenis Calchinia Peratus Canace Hopleus Nireus Aloeus Epopeus Triopas
Celaeno (Pleiad or daughter of Ergeus) Lycus Nycteus Eurypylus (Eurytus) of Cyrene
Lycaon Celaeno,  Celaenus Cerebia Dictys Polydectes Ceroessa Byzas Cleodora Parnassus
Chione Eumolpus Chrysogeneia Chryses, father of Minyas Corcyra, nymph Phaeax Coronis Diopatra, nymph of Mount Othrys Euryale, daughter of Minos Orion (possibly)
Eurycyda Eleius Eurynome (Eurymede), daughter of Nisos Bellerophon Euryte /Bathycleia Halirrhothius Halia  six sons Harpale / Scamandrodice / Calyce Cycnus Helle Almops Edonus Paion Hermippe Minyas (possibly) Hippothoe Taphius Iphimedeia
The Aloadae Laodice Larissa Achaeus Pelasgus Pythius Leis, daughter of Orus Altephus Libya and the list goes on and fucking on!

Zeus:......and you call yourself faithful

Poseidon: SHUT UP!

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