Period problems

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*WARNING spoilers to people reading/watching The Outsiders*

Johnny: *Looking around for me* Where's Kuko?

Nightwolf: *Reading* In her room

Johnny: *Goes to my room*

Me: *Curled up in blanket crying* T^T

Johnny: *Runs over to me* What's wrong?!

Me: T^T Johnnycake died!

Johnny: *Pats me* It's ok....

Me: *Clutches gut* Ow! DAMMIT CRAMPS! *Cries harder*

Johnny: *Continues to akwardly pat me* If you want....I'll buy you can wear my clothes...if it makes you feel better

Me: *Sniffles* Really?

Johnny: Yeah...if you want me too..

Me: *Nods*

*1 hour later*

Me: *Wearing Johnny's hoodie, pants and shirt*

Scorpion:...........Do I even want to know?

Johnny: It's a long story. It started with a movie....

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