"Samuel brought you here...to find out where Purgatory is?" Asks Sam.

"I keep telling him—how would I know such a thing? But he refuses to untie me."

"You know exactly where it is." Sam says. "Why does Samuel care about any of this?"

"He doesn't care. He does as he is told." The Alpha says.

"Well, if the old man's Kermit...whose hand's up his ass?" Dean asks as we hear a gun cock.

"Evening, guys." Samuel says.

"Wow, you know, I have seen some stupid in my time, but you take the crown." Dean says. "Putting Jaws in a fishbowl? How do you think that's gonna end? I don't know what kind of game you're running —"

"What, do you think I'm doing this for kicks?" Samuel asks.

"I think you've got the rest of these feebs convinced that you're John Wayne." Says Dean. "So whatever you're doing, whatever you're hiding... it's gonna put you and everyone around you in the ground." Another gun cocks.


Gwen sighs. "And I thought we had something special." She says.

"Are you scared of me? I would be." The Alpha Vampire laughs. "Go ahead." He escapes the cage.

"Grab your stuff." Samuel says.

"How long till the alpha's 100%?" Dean asks.

"Hour. Maybe less."

"We need to get him dosed up and back in the cage." Samuel says.

"No." Dean says.

"What do you mean, 'no'?" Asks Samuel.

"I mean, I don't know what your big plan was, but playing catch is not on the table." Dean says.


"We take the thing's head off, or it kills us all! You know that." Dean says. "Okay. We split up. Clear every room. You get a shot, you take it. It's not gonna kill him, but dude will move a lot slower without any kneecaps. And if we make it through this, you, me, and Sam are having one hell of a family meeting."

"You think he ran out?" Christian asks as a black cloud appears.

"No!" Samuel yells.

"The boy with no soul. I've got big plans for you. It's amazing how that pesky, little soul gets in the way. But not for you. You will be the perfect... animal." The Alpha says to Sam and runs away.

"Christian?" Sam asks as he looks down at him.

They all hear slow clapping as Crowley appears. "Well, that was dramatic." He says.

"Crowley?" Sam asks.

"Hello, boys. What an unexpected treat." Crowley says and looks at Elena. "Nice to see that the gang is back together."

"Bring Christian back now." Samuel says.

"I'm sorry?"

"My nephew! The one you just crammed a demon into!" Samuel yells.

"Oh. No. I had him possessed ages ago. Samuel, really. I keep an eye on my investments."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. You two know each other?" Dean asks.

"Not in the biblical sense. More of a business relationship, I'd say." Crowley

"You're Crowley's bitch." Sam realizes.

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