George, Fred, and I made our way back up to the Gryffindor common room..."That was great!" I shouted between fits of laughter. The three of us skipped our classes the rest of the day even potions...Ariana was going to be mad at me...but I didn't care at this point I was just happy that I had forgotten about all the trouble with Harry and had a little fun. The three of us carried on with ditching our classes and avoiding our teachers when leaving the common room...that is until I noticed the badges.... Support CEDRIC DIGGORY-the REAL Hogwarts Champion...and POTTER STINKS

"Where the hell did you get those!?" I shouted pulling on one that was pinned to a girls robes. "What do you care" She snapped "Oh great a Slytherin" I growled back at her. "Let go of me you filthy blood-traitor!" She shrieked "Or what you'll curse me" I laughed the girl was grabbing for her wand "Want a duel then fine!" I shouted letting go of her robes and pulling out my wand. The Slytherin girl shouted a spell and pointed her wand at me...I of course blocked her spell and retaliated...I had succeeded in disarming her and knocking her backwards...but I wasn't satisfied...I pointed my wand at her throat... "Miss. Black" I heard a cold voice behind me "What" I shouted back glaring at the Slytherin girl who was cowering away from my wand. "That will be 50 points from Gryffindor" Snape growled at the back of my head..."She had just as much a part in this as I did!" I snapped "Miss. Black I suggest you go before you get a detention" Snape continued to growl "Fine" I growled back lowering my wand and storming away from the girl and the sounds of it she had gotten detention for losing a duel to a Gryffindor.

"Wow" Fred whispered enthusiastically to me I just smiled and kept walking we made it up to the portrait of the fat lady and Ariana was waiting beside it. "You really need to take you stress out in a way that won't get you expelled" Ariana said smirking at me. "Not in the mood for your sarcasm Ariana" I replied rolling my eyes. "Calm down calm down..."Ariana snapped "The weighing of the wands was today" she said then paused "You would have known if you were in class today" Ariana said glaring at Fred and George knowing of course they were the reason I wasn't in class. "I needed a break from frustration" I sighed "Well we see how well that worked trying to kill a Slytherin" Ariana said sarcastically "It was her fault she shouldn't have mouthed off to me!" I shouted at Ariana sticking out my tongue. "Plus if she can't handle a little duel she shouldn't run her mouth" I said confidently "In ways I agree I guess...she shouldn't have been so weak" Ariana growled I looked at her confused most people did say bad things about their own houses...but it was Slytherin we were talking about and Snape did give the girl detention for losing. "I am going to go inside and calm down would you like to come in?" I said looking in Ariana's direction "No I just came to tell you that you have a two parchment potions essay due tomorrow on polyjuice potion so you better get started" Ariana said dismissively and walking off.

I gave the portrait the password and walked inside. "Harry is up in his dorm and you have mail" a girl from my year told me. "Fred..George tell Harry I will be over to speak to him soon" I said running up into the girls dorm the letter has to be from uncle Sirius.

Dear Cyn,

Be alone with Harry by the fire in Gryffindor tower at one o' clock in the morning on the 22nd of November I need to speak with both of you. I know Harry is strong but watch over him... I have a bit of news about your sister that I think you should hear. Don't worry about writing unless something happens to you, your sister, or Harry.

Love, Uncle Sirius

About Ariana what could that possibly be... I wondered to myself...but remembered that I had told Fred and George to tell Harry I would be over to speak to him. After giving the letter a little more thought I walked out of the girls dorms and over to the boys. "Harry do you get a letter from Sirius" I asked him sitting on his bed decide him "Yeah" Harry replied handing me his letter and I handing him mine. We both read in silence..."What is going on with Ariana?" He asked me..."I'm really not sure...she has been acting a bit odd." I replied sighing... "Harry we must talk to Sirius" I said and he nodded with that I left the boys dorm there really wasn't much more for me to say to him nor him to me.

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