A Long Two Months

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Hope you all enjoy. 

Unedited, sorry :(

There were only three things that ran through my mind as I stood there in my living room:

1. I just assaulted my roommate’s brother.

2. Where is Meredith?

3. He hasn’t let me go let and it’s been in two minutes since he introduced himself.

“I am going to let you go now. Do you think you can prevent yourself from attacking me again?” His breath against my neck sent a shiver down my spine. No one had been this close to me in a few years.

I shook my head. “Good.” He chuckled softly.

He slowly released me and I sheepishly turned around to face him. He gave me a trivial smile and coughed softly. A painful expression crossed his face. He lifted up the side of his shirt examining what I nailed him with the bat. It was already turning black and blue.

“You’ve got quite a swing there honey. I think you cracked a rib.” He laughed causing another pained face to come.

“Oh god, here let me get you some ice.” And I left him to head into the kitchen.

I grabbed an ice pack as well as a kitchen towel to put around it.

“Here.” I handed him the ice.

He sat down on the couch. He instantly realized how bad of an idea it was for him to sit and he stood back up wincing in pain.

“I am so sorry Alex. I wasn’t … I didn’t …” I stuttered.

“It’s okay. You must be Stella. Mere has told me a lot about you.”

“Only the good stuff I hope.” I teased.

“She failed to mention you’re deadly accuracy with a baseball bat.”

“I am so sorry Alex.” I felt terrible.

“It’s okay. I surprised you. A mistake I’ll be sure not to repeat.” He laughed. God his laugh is terribly sexy.

God stop that Stella. He is off limits!

“Let me see.” I pointed at his rib cage.

He lifted back up his shirt revealing a massive black and blue bruise spreading between three ribs.

“It looks really bad Alex, do you want me to take you to the hospital?” I felt so incredibly guilty.

“Hum… I am sure it’s not that bad.”

“Oh yeah? How about you try sitting down one more time and then tell me it’s not that bad.” I challenged him.

Alex slowly eased himself down on the couch. I watched his face get red as he held his breath on the way down. I could tell he was in pain but he was just trying to tough it out. He finally sat down fully and gave me a very weak smile as if to say ‘I told you I was fine’.

“Come on Alex, I am taking you to get an x-ray. I am not going to have you walking around here in agony for the next few weeks.”

He sank his head in defeat. He knew that he needed to get checked out.

I grabbed me keys and we headed to the hospital.

Alex’s POV

When Meredith left the house I never thought I would come face to face with her roommate. She mentioned she wouldn’t be home for another hour so I figured it would be safe to hang back at the house while Mere went out to run some errands. I also never thought my sister’s roommate would be so easy on the eyes.

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