No Way!

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Here goes the first chapter. I just started writing it a few days ago so I hope everyone likes it so far.

Unedited so don't judge me :)

“No! Ten thousand times over no!”

I sat on the couch staring at her. I am not budging.

“Please Stella he won’t give us any grief, I promise.”

“We said no guys Meredith. No guys, he is a guy!”

“Yes but he is my brother. He needs someplace to stay.”

Meredith and I shared a house right outside of Trenton New Jersey. She answered an ad that I had in search of a roommate. She was a few years younger than me but I had a good feeling about her and I was right. She was overall a great roommate.

Apparently Meredith’s brother was moving back to the area and had no place to stay. She had mentioned it before but failed to mention he wouldn’t have any place to stay.

He flight arrives in less than two hours.

“He’s even offered to pay the rent for the month. Please he’s not like Eric.”

Meredith was the baby with two older brothers. I can imagine that no one ever screwed with her in high school. Eric was the eldest brother. He was 27, constantly in and out of jail, drugs… you name it he was into it. Meredith’s family had gone through hell trying to keep Eric clean. I knew very little about the other brother of hers though. He had been living in Virginia Beach since I met Mere about three years ago.

I continued glaring at my dearest roommate. I don’t like this one bit but I am far from coldhearted to let someone stay on the streets and she knows this. Mere can be fairly manipulative when she wants something.

“We don’t even have a place for him to sleep.” My only counter at the moment.

“He can sleep on the couch and I’ll keep his belongings in my room. Please Stella. He’s my brother and he’s been through a lot.” She begged staring over at me with these huge brown puppy dog eyes.

Of course she does this as I am heading out the door for work.

“And please explain it to me why he can’t stay with your parents?” My last ace in the hole. It better be a good reason.

“Remember they moved into that one bedroom condo after Eric moved back to Ohio. There is barely enough room for them. They never thought Alex would ever need them.”

Curses! I had forgotten about that. Eric had put them through so much hell that when he finally decided to move out again they down sized everything in order to prevent them from caving in again. Every time Eric got in trouble they would cave in and let him move right back in.

“I don’t like this Mere.”

She smiled and started to get all giddy.

“Don’t make me regret this. He’s got two months to get his shit together and find a place of his own. This is only temporary. Okay?”

“Oh my god, thank you so much.” She stood up and wrapped her arms firmly around my neck knocking me backwards against the couch. “You won’t regret this I promise.”

She lied, I was going to.

Realizing I had to leave for work I stood up and gathered my things.

“Oh Stella, one more thing…”She began. I flinched thinking about what she was going to tell me.

My Roommates BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now