13. Getting down to business

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"Yes, i talked to him and convinced him to finally talk to the others. I told him that i provided an "Escape" He should be drugged by morning."

Nicole traced lines on Yoshima chest as she listened to his report.

"You did make sure to have them make it look like he broke in right?"

"Yes and i told Juwy exactly what direction to stay in case Marcus family comes and sees him the way he will be. He will be too drugged up to properly tell anyone what's going on."

"Hmm, that's great" She snuggled closer to him "Now we have to move on to the next phase, we'll do so as soon as i deal with Mr. Rizzoli"

"What is the next phase?"

"Don't know it is his plan after all."

"Our main objective was to just get the kids together in one place, alert them and then have them meet him, why is this taking so long? It was suppose to be easy money."

"Mr. Rizzoli is a difficult man to meet up with."

"He's only difficult because you are toying with him, you know he fancies you."

"The more money we can get from him the more this tedious act will be worth it."

"I can't believe it's taken us almost a year. Have you thought of any other easy money plans?"

"Nothing is easy in this world Yoshima" She lean over him kissing him "But i have a few idea on the back burner."

"And that is?"

"Lets just say it involves Eddie."


She looked at him

"He switched his name again?"

"Sadly yes, it took forever to find him, he's coming to North America sometime next year."

"How is he?"

"Still as sadistic, and perverted as ever, He works as a nightclub owner in Colombia right now."

"His last job as a soldier in Britain didn't last long?"

"He was found out, his disguise was uncovered, he had to run before he was caught. Took a lot of time, money and bullets to shut that base up. Speaking of Which i have to call Emily."

"The girl from today? Why?"

"Because Since Dominic is busy again and won't be able to go to New York with me, i have to go with someone else. Don't need the Paparazzi on my case, if it's just me and Alex. So i'm going to use her as a means to get around that. I think she'll enjoy going to New York."

"But it's 2:30 in the morning?"

"..." She thought over it "I'm going to still call her." She picked up her phone and began to dial Emily.

Yoshima rolled his eyes and turned over preparing to go to sleep.

"You do realize, that at some point we're going to have to stop this."


"Us, I know i say it all the time but we are."


"Don't Hmph me i'm serious."

Yoshima threw off the covers getting up to leave. Nicole grabbed on to him before he could.

"I said at some point, i didn't say tonight.....Hello Emily? Hey my dear i hope i didn't wake you? I didn't well good, I have to ask you an important question and i would love it if you agreed. I have to be in New York by 1pm, tomorrow. I do not wish for the paparazzi to accuse me of cheating on Dominic..."

Yoshima coughed and Nicole Hit him

"...By going with only a male body guard, and i know this is short notice, but could you please be a doll and accompany me?"

Yoshima leaned over to Nicole as she was on the phone beginning to bite her ear

"Yea I'll......I'll...." She cleared her throat trying to stay focused "I'll pay for everything.....I just need you........i need you.....need....I NEED YOU TO BE READY!" She shouted

Yoshima laughed but continued. "Sorry i was distracted, I need you to be ready around 10am so that way we can hang around first, you'll be there for a whole day. I have the hotel and everything. You can? Oh thank you so....so....so much. I'll make it up to you i promise. Goodbye sweetie see you tomorrow." She said hanging up

Nicole turned around to look at Yoshima "That's how you wanna play huh" Before jumping at him kissing him.


Nicole stood outside, Emily's house looking around. It wasn't spectacular but it was cute? She shook her head clearing her mind and knocking on the door. She heard a yell.

"Hold on i'm coming!!" Before hearing a crash, a few curse words and a laugh. "Shut up Lila!"

The door swung open to show a barefooted Emily who's hair was in disarray.

"Hey! You wore the dress its so cute on you. I'll be out in a moment i just got to grab my purse and put shoes on. Oh I almost forgot, here the bag of clothes from yesterday."

Emily handed Nicole the bag before running back in the house. Nicole walked to her car and put the clothes in the trunk, looking over at the door as she heard a slam. She saw Emily hopping putting one shoe on with a pop tart in her mouth and her purse on her shoulder and a bag on her back. Nicole smiled as Emily ran over putting her hair in a ponytail, taking out the poptart

"So are we ready to go? I knew you said it would be over night so i only packed about two pairs of clothes."

"It's fine, if you need more i'll get you something. Now come on we need to meet Alex at the airport."

Nicole hopped in the car, and Emily beside her.

"Alex? He's your bodyguard?" Emily's spoke mouthful

"For right now he is, i have an important meeting. I was finally able to meet up with the guy, i couldn't reschedule it who knows how long it would take to meet with him again."

"But why New york?"

"I- I honestly do not know. He was here in Jersey yesterday...But whatever, as long as i'm able to discuss business then it will be all worth it."

"I stalked you if you don't mind, I kinda looked you up to see who exactly you were." Emily blushed "So i'm guessing this meeting is for a land spot? Is it pretty?"

"It's Something, that's for sure, And i kinda expected you to stalk me. You didn't seem to know who i was when we first met which to be honest is a relief. I hope knowing who i am wont change your viewpoint on me."

"No, it just now makes sense as to why you offered to pay for everything. Its just weird for a person to have money to just do anything with, That's a level of comfort that i'd only dream about."

"Well it's not all about the money. Yes i have money to just throw away, but i have to learn to manage it. It's not just my life who depends on it."

"Yea you have your entire business kinda like your own empire huh? Empress Nicole or Queen Nicole" Emily laughed

"Those are actually more of the nice names i've been called, but I just like to stick with Nicole."

"Question though, if it's only for a business meeting. Why are we staying the whole day?"

"I like New York, it's comforting even with all its traffic, plus i figured we'd get a chance to talk more, I was truly afraid that you would reject my offer. I know that we have only met yesterday, but i have grown quite fond of you. Those who know me know that if someone has peaked my interest that i must pursue it. I think you can understand, call it payback for stalking me."

The ride continued on all quiet like, Emily was on her phone texting and Nicole was thinking over Mr. Rizzoli she was hoping that all she had to do was get him and the Juwy kids together, get paid and get out. As much as the money he was offering was tempting, she wasn't sure if it was worth it. Yoshima had managed to get the officer James off their case for the moment but she wasn't too sure how long that would be.

She looked over stopping at a red light as Emily laughed.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh i'm texting Jason. He showed a funny pic of his dog running around in circle till it got dizzy, it a cute little puppy."

"Jason? Is he your boyfriend?"

"Um...Not really we're not official i've only know him for 3 weeks"

"Hmm short amount of time, You seem to get along well with people you have only recently met." Nicole pulled off again

"I like new people." Emily shrugged

"I'd like to apologize, i didn't mean for yesterday to turn out how it did. I know that it was suppose to be just me and you and i'm sorry for my friends to just bombard themselves onto you."

"No no, it was fun actually. I loved the little one."


"Yes she is adorable."

"Hmph. I just Hope you won't have to fight Alex for her attention."

"What do you mean?"

"Alex is her Uncle, and He thinks she's just as adorable as the rest of us. You'll have to fight him for her attention."

Emily smiled "He was cool too. I mean when i first met him a little creepy when you were helping me with my dress, but after a while i started to enjoy his company. I think he'll make a great friend."

Nicole placed her hand upon her chest " And here i thought i'd make a great friend" She wiped fake tears from her eyes "Get out i never wanna see you again you heart breaker." Nicole laughed when she saw the look on Emily's face.

"I'm only joking Emily, calm down."
Emily smiled before going back to texting.

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