7. New people are so much fun.

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It wasn't meant to end this way but Alex let his temper get control of him. 

With both of the men paralyzed from the neck down Yoshima still sat seated and shook his head, as Alex "Questioned" the men by hitting them constantly with the pipe he broke from the wall of the library when it crack through after he threw one of them into it.

"What do you mean you gave him access to everything!!" Alex asked hitting the on the left.

One of the librarians came over offering Yoshima a slice of cake that the rest of the employees were eating.

"ありがとう" He replied before looking back at the scene before him

[Thank you]

"...When was the last time you saw him?! ANSWER ME! I don't have all night." He grabbed one by the collar all he could do was hold back a whimper that wanted to escape.

Yoshima finally paid attention to the music playing out of the ceiling before laughing a little.

"What are you laughing about?" Alex turned to him

Yoshima just pointed upward and Alex stopped hurting the men to actually pay attention to the song.

"Haha, that song make us seem like were some crazy criminals inside some whacked up wonderland." He replied dropping the man while walking over to steal some of Yoshima's cake.

"Well that's all i could get from them, they were being idiots, and let some random guy get into information he shouldn't have. They have no idea where he is and no idea what he looks like."

"まあそれは完璧です" Yoshima said sarcastically

[Well that's perfect]

"Heh you're telling me. So what are we going to do about it?"

"あなたならどうしますか?" Yoshima replied

[What would you do?]

"Me? I would finish these guys off, then just blow up their entire building. I know they are important but we can always have someone copy that data on one of our hard drives. Then have one of our men go after The rat, we have people in the police force shouldn't be too hard. However Nic wouldn't like that would she?"

"実は彼女は、私達はちょうど最初の場所でそれらを終了しなかった理由を不思議に思いました" Yoshima leaned over the desk

[Actually she was wondering why we didn't just end them in the first place.]

"Really? She must be like that because of Dominic." Alex leaned on the desk back facing Yoshima

"私の存在下でその馬鹿を言及しないでください" Yoshima facepalmmed

[Don't mention that fool in my presence]

"Well you are going to have to get back on her good side no matter if what you said was right you still made her mad. But i do agree heck i think everyone agrees that Dominic is Nicole's weakness."

"誰もが彼が町を訪れたとき、私がそのように怒ら取得する理由を理解し、なぜ、どのです" He mumbled

[Which is why everyone understands why i get so angered when he visits town]

"What does she even see in him? He knows nothing of what she does. Does she like fake her life around him or something?"

"いいえ、彼女はちょうど彼女の全体の話を教えてくれない、自分自身に忠実。彼は私が推測することを尊重します。彼はいつも離れていた理由であるビジネスを実行します。彼女は、彼は隔週を離れることを嫌っています。彼はとどまるとき、私は嫌い。" He sighed when a lady came over and handed him coffee

"Come on man speak English You know my Japanese isn't all that good and my brain hurts trying to figure out what your saying." Alex whined

"I said No she stays true to herself, just doesn't tell her whole story. He respects that i guess. He runs a business which is why he's always away. She hates that he leaves every two weeks. I hate when he stays."

"Oh so he's just your average rich Joe"

"Yea...pretty much."

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