8. Playing with Fire

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I decided to put the conversation there anyway, didn't feel right without it. Happy now nikkiredhead


Her voice was still sinister but with a hint of humor and Thomas wanted to keep it that way and hopefully distract her.

"Oh trust me sweetie I would do more than buy you dinner" She replied her voice echoed around the entire place.

"Oh do tell" He looked around the many boxes hoping to find her.

"Well I would take you home and leave a few marks on you that would definitely have you remember me for long time"

He rolled his eyes, at least she was amused and he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying it himself "I hope it's in a good way then" he replied lifting a lid off a box

"Maybe" she said "If you love marks on your insides too"

He cringed shivering slightly he replied "Oh baby i can take just about anything you can dish out." He looked up trying to find her or locate her voice.

"You must have had a lot of practice then" Her laughter didn't fit the course of her words to Thomas is sounded like someone who as sane, not someone who was sadistic to this level.

"You could say that" He folded his arms trying to detected the source of her voice

"Oh my, your woman must be very lucky indeed. I love a man that can keep up in and out of the sheets"

He smirked that's actually what his last girlfriend had said to him when they first met. He shrugged and replied "Maybe"

"So I was right then, well I hope she can keep up with you then. If not you know what to do to find me. Drive to the nearest mutilated body and I should be close by. Maybe we'll learn a thing or two about each other. Our favorite music, favorite book and what shade of red you blood is."

He raised an eyebrow not really sure how to reply to that and looked around "But what if i don't have one?"

"Well then handsome if you don't we wouldn't have to wait at all. You could come find me now and see what happens"

The sense of deja vu was strong he could have sworn he had a conversation like this years ago.

"Goodness babe you sure a tease aren't you" He chuckled

"Of course I am. It's really not that hard you know. So are you going to come find me or what?" It sounded like she was getting impatient and bored with the conversation and frankly so was he, but he had to keep her busy so he went with the next best thing

"Oh don't worry baby. I'll find you and when I do I've got a pair of handcuffs with your name on it"

He pulled them out and let them hang so she could hear the clank they made.

Her laughter eased his tension a little ""Ooh kinky I love it. Any other things you wanna use to punish me."

"Well that all depends" He leaned up against the box realizing he wasn't going to find her no time soon.

"On what?"

"How much can you take?" He smirked

"Oh sweetie I don't you should be the one asking that question." She sounded like she was flirting

"Oh and why not" He asked genuinely curious, hoping she wouldn't pull anything on him.

"Because baby i'm the one with the knife"

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