2. Its not my case...but it will be.

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-10 years later-

"Rick, Why don't we just kill her?" A man in a suit asked walking around a table.

"Why would we do that?" Another asked sipping coffee and writing something down on paper.

"What kind of question is that Rick? Why would we kill her? Have you read her files?"

He threw a folder down on the table.

"Catherine Jones age eight accused and proven of murder and cannibalism. CANNIBALISM! Do you not see this?"

"I see and hasn't she already been apprehended? Plus you're late, its been almost ten years since this happened."

"And that time matters how?"

"That means shes already been dealt with." Rick sipped his coffee.

"This is the CSI we are suppose to protect citizens from..THINGS like her." James argued.

"It was an Insanity plea, she's in a mental home now. Its out of our control. See."

Rick threw another folder on top of the previous one, James picked it up and read it.

"...What the heck is this crap." James said

"What are you talking about?"

"This!" He turned the folder around to show Rick.

"They put her in the S.M.Klion Mental Institute. Don't they know Morgan Mermen is there!"

"Mermen,..I've heard that name before." Rick thought puzzled.

"Wouldn't be surprised." James said reaching in a file cabinet. "We worked on his case." Throwing the file on top the others.

Morgan Mermen


Crime: Murder

Plead: Insanity

Placed in a correctional facility.

"He was the kid that killed his family and neighbors. Used their bones to make makeshift action figures of his favorite TV show characters." James said leaning against the cabinet.

"Right right right, yeah I remember. Killed his father and his nearby neighbors. No one found out until he stopped going to school and they smelled rioting flesh coming from the houses." Rick said rubbing his chin.

"Do you realize what danger this could cause? If Catherine and Morgan was in the same room together who knows what these two psychos could come up with."

"Catherine was mentally challenged, James."

"No I don't believe that. You weren't there when her father called the police. You weren't there when we came and saw her sitting in a room with blood all over her mouth, her family ripped apart as if mauled by some wild animal. You weren't there to see her looking all happy as if she just eaten Barbecued chicken."

"But she was put into a mental institute after that. She didn't know what she was doing, she was eight--"

"No I think she knew what she was doing, because if she didn't she wouldn't have been kicked out of that one at age ten for that same reason. Three staff members, a bodyguard, and her own roommate, same fate as her family."

"So...what happened after that?" Rick asked sipping his coffee.

"I don't know I guess she was moved from institute to institute. I don't really have access to all her files, wasn't my case."

"Hmm." Was Ricks reply.

"Not only that Rick, but guess who else is in this place."


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