Teenage Gerard

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Blonde Gerard in a beanie = life😍


Imagine teenage! Gerard making out with you on your bed, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hands explore your body.

He Slowly takes your clothes off piece by piece until you are both naked. He kisses you one last time before lowering himself on your body, Gerard starts eating you out causing you to moan out his name. He smiles against you knowing that what he's doing is right. He slids one finger inside of you in the process and pumps in and out, fast.
He had you cumming in seconds. Just as you were about to go further you heard the front door open, your parents were home.

Both of you quickly put your clothes back on.

Gerard runs over to you and gives you one more kiss before climbing out your window.

You jump back in your bed and pretend your asleep just as your parents walk in.
"She's such a good girl." you heard your Mom say before she shut your door.

Hope you beautiful people enjoyed this 💗

Its short and too the point. 👌

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