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Song for the chapter: Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy

I lay on the expanse of grass between the lake, leaning against Calem. The past week has been incredibly peaceful, allowing us to spend time together. The wind brings the scent of rain on the horizon, but the sun shines bright. As we sit together, I find myself weaving a flower crown.

"What are you making?" He asks me.

"You'll see." I giggle and finish it. Sitting up and turning to him, I place it on his head.

"The King of the Flowers." I announce playfully. He grins and pulls me close.

"And that would make you my queen." He smirks.

"Nope. I'm the Queen of Thieves." I laugh and kiss his cheek. He pulls me into his lap, and I lay my head on his chest.

"You're so amazing Raven. You make me feel like my life has actual meaning." He murmurs.

"You make my world bright, chasing away the darkness to bring out the light. When I'm with you, sadness doesn't exist." I respond and close my eyes. This week has been the most perfect week I've ever had.

"Come on, let's go back. You are their leader." He kisses my forehead and helps me up.

"You're right. It's time for us to honor the kids with their new names." I agree as we head back up the mountain. Tonight would be the new team's initiation. Queen Juniper has agreed to help us out, and so the group of new thieves will have to raid the special treasure from the castle. I would be accompanying them, watching to make sure their training paid off. We reach the hub and everyone suddenly quiets down.

"Well that was easy. Now everyone, let our new members step forward." I call out, my voice ringing through the cavern. Lacey and two other boys come and stand before me.

"Lacey, your brother was a dear friend to me, and his sacrifice will always be remembered. Carry on his legacy well. I now give you the name of Dove, so that peace may always find you." I take her hands and smile at her.

"I won't let you down." She responds. I name the two boys Robin, and Fury.

"You will be joined by Sky and myself to watch over you. Remember the main rule, we do not kill anyone. We will steal the treasure from the castle. Let us be off." I declare. Cheers ring out and I turn to Calem.

"I'll be home by morning." I whisper, and kiss him softly.

"I'll be right here, waiting." He grins, and walks with me to the tunnel entrance. Dove looks at our group.

"Fury, you guard our backs. Robin, you lead the charge and keep the way ahead clear. I'll be right behind you." She orders and we head out. Robin moves swiftly ahead, and checks around corners before we reach them to make sure they're clear. Dove looks back at regular intervals to make sure the group is all together and safe. Sky and I asked some of our team to be obstacles. As Robin approaches the next corner, our group is ambushed. The new members reacts instantly and "knock out" the adversaries. As we continue on, my mind flips back to Calem.

I always wonder the same things, mostly if he misses his old life. Sometimes when he thinks I'm not looking, I see him sigh and close his eyes. I want to help him, but I don't know how. If I ask what's wrong he assures me that there is nothing, he's happy as can be. Something just tugs in my heart when I see him like that.

"We've reached the castle." Dove whispers. We scale up into the food storage, and I wait to see what she does next.

"Robin, check and make sure it's clear." She orders. He gives the all clear and she exits the storage, Fury close behind.

"We have to get that treasure. That's what matters." She comments, and they begin searching through the main hall, keeping to the shadows. Sky and I are sitting this part out, merely observing them. Juniper comes up and stands with us, smiling at the three thieves.

"How are they doing?" She asks.

"They're focused, but it seems as though all they care about is the main goal. When I saw Dove looking back to check on the group in the tunnels, she looked bored. Fury didn't even try to remain on guard. Robin strays too far ahead, and Dove didn't try to get food for the others." Sky lists all that she's seen. I had to agree with her. But despite these faults, they have managed to stay quiet and hidden.

Fury wanders the hall and stops to take a look at some of the jewels in a glass case. His eyes scan around to check if someone is watching, and he picks the lock. An alarm sounds, and he jumps back.

"Fury, you have failed your test." Juniper approaches him. He bows his head, and waits with Sky and I. Dove and Robin continue on. Eventually, they discover a small box. Dove picks the lock, and inside are three stones. Their names are carved into them. Robin and Dove grab both of theirs and return to us.

"Congratulations. Let's go home." I smile at the two of them. The journey back is uneventful. When we reach the hub, time seems to stand still, and my blood runs cold. My people, my friends....slaughtered. I rush forward and search through the bodies. He's not here.

"Calem!" I scream. Sky puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Raven, look." She points at a wall, and there's a message on it, written in blood.

The thieves' time is over. You have three days, or we will kill those dearest to you. Join us, or they die.

"The bandits." I hiss.

"What do we do?" Dove trembles beside me.

"We rescue our people." I state. Sky and the others clean up the bodies and the blood, putting blankets over them.

"Thank you everyone. Your deaths will not be in vain. They will not get away with this." Tears slide down my cheeks and I clench my fists.

I'm will save my friends, and nothing will stop my fury.

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