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Song for this chapter: Unbreakable by Fireflight


Juniper and I race towards the city, smoke filling the air above it. The gates are open, and chaos roams the streets. Heading straight for the castle, I try to help as many civilians as I can.

"Prince Calem! He has returned!" Cheers ring out in the midst of the scene before me. Rioters have been trying to break into the castle. Juniper and I climb the tree at the market, and leap over onto the wall, careful to make sure no one saw us. Guards lead me inside, and I find a woman sitting on my father's throne.

"Ah, my son has returned." She grins.

"Who are you?" I question.

"Well obviously I'm your mother, as I just said." She laughs, as if it was the funniest thing she has heard all week.

"My mother was killed when I was young. I watched it happen." The disbelief apparent in my voice.

"Faked, to escape your father. You see, I can't actually die." She gloats. Her eyes are the same blue as mine, but her hair is jet black.

"I know you know where my daughter is as well." The woman adds.

"Wait, you said you can't die?" Juniper interjects.

"After I faked my death, I ran to the Elf Lands. Met a young king, and he fell in love with me. He found a spell and blessed me with immortality, but it came at a price. It stole all of his positive emotions, leaving him with fear, rage, and despair. While staying there I had a child." She explains, her eyes smug and knowing.

"Raven...." I breathe. The woman smiles.

"Ah yes. Her human name. Now, where is she?" The woman inquires.

"No where you will find her." Juniper hisses.

"Arthion said you were dead." I comment.

"Again, I faked my death. Even if someone is immortal, there are ways you can kill them. Now bring me my daughter." She stands and glares at us.

"I won't let you near her." I growl and draw my sword.

"You love her, don't you? But, she's your sister." The woman approaches us.

"You're wrong." I retort. The woman sighs.

"Fine. I hate this charade anyway." She closes her eyes, and her features begin to change. Her hair turns to a dark copper color, almost like rust, and when she opens her eyes, they're red.

"There are more than just Ice Elves. I'm a Blood Elf, new leader of the Ice and Blood elf regime. Not that there are many Ice Elves left." She grins, and her teeth become pointed like fangs.

"One day. Can't I just have one fucking day." I mutter under my breath. The elf comes closer and using my pent up anger, I quickly charge and cut of their head.

"Well that lasted long." Juniper remarks.

"I'm so done with this bullshit. Everything was fine until you all broke into the castle!" I shout at her.

"You could've turned in Raven, but you didn't. You could've come after us back then, but you didn't. You're the king, so you have to fix everything now. Do this for Raven. She's lost her father and feels remorse for all that she has done. Quit being a petulant child." Juniper counters.

"You're right. I'm so confused and tired and I'm taking it out on you. I'm sorry. Go back to Raven, take care of her." I murmur. She quickly exits, and I'm left to repair the damage done by the elf.

~Raven's POV~

I relive those moments inside my head. Gale sacrificing himself for me, breaking the spell. In my rage of being used, I killed two people. Nothing can ever justify what I've done. All my life I was compassionate and kind, because the world needs less death. Calem has been my greatest friend. His bright blue eyes, his mellifluous voice that has become the voice in the back of my head. The way the sunset glints off of his hair, and the electricity I feel when our skin connects. He deserves better than me.

"Raven, please come home. We need you. The hub needs you." Aster's voice breaks into my thoughts. Why would they need a murderer.

"If you hadn't killed them, they would've killed more people. You saved countless lives." Her voice cracks my resolve.

"Come home..." A new voice speaks.

"Calem....." I whisper.

"I'm here. I'll always be here." My eyes focus on his form, and the hub materializes around me. The concern in his eyes, causes tears to start spilling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry I worried you..." I cry. He wipes away the tears and smiles.

"You're here, that's what matters." He kisses my forehead, and I let out a happy sigh. Sitting up, I see every member of the hub kneeling before my ledge.

"They have been waiting for you to wake up. The kids have made special necklaces with charms, the biggest being a raven. The cooks have made sure no one has gone hungry. Everyone refused to leave until you got better." Aster explains.

"How long has it been?" I ask.

"A few days. But don't worry, no one minds. We are your family." Juniper answers for her.

"I shouldn't have made you all worry like that. In my selfishness I let you all down, but no longer." I put power behind my words, and the hub cheers. I smile and laugh, and leave my ledge.

"So there is some other news. I've appointed Juniper as the new Queen." Calem tells me.

"What?" I turn to him.

"He was going to renounce the throne anyway, so I came in and took charge." Juniper smiles.

"But...why?" I look from one to the other.

"So I could stay here, with you. And we don't need someone who would hunt down the thieves as the ruler. The kingdom loves her actually." Calem grins.

"You did that? For me?" My eyes stare into his, trying to determine what's there.

"Of course. I would do anything for you. Raven, I love you." He breathes. Smiling and shaking my head, I reach up and kiss him. His hands wrap around my waist and we stay like that, the only two people in existence. I never want to leave this moment. Finally we break apart, and I smile up at him.

"I love you too."

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