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Song for this chapter: Safe and Sound- Taylor Swift

~Calem's POV~

We've been sitting in the dungeon for who knows how long. Juniper is pacing in her cell trying to find an escape plan, but Viper's men never leave us alone at all. We were separated and each stuck in a different cell to keep from communicating. I hear a door open and close, and Viper saunters into view.

"I would like to invite all of you to a very special day. My wedding to the lovely princess." He unlocks the doors to our cells, and his men quickly tie our hand behind our backs. I've given up fighting at this point. The only reason they keep me alive is to make sure Raven does what they ask. They won't kill me, but they can still seriously hurt me.

We are ushered into the great hall, a stage taking up the left side of the room. Our group is forced to kneel by the stage, so that we can watch as our friend is forced into this. Everything is situated, and I see Raven walk in. Her gaze rests on me, and I see disgust and anger in her emotions. That's when I notice the man behind her.

"That's the wizard that tried to kill us." I mutter to Juniper. Her eyes narrow and she passes me a crystal. Nodding in understanding, I saw at the ropes. As soon as they fall, I stand up and take out our guards. Juniper joins me, and our element of surprise helps us knock them out. The other three are freed and we jump onto the stage where Raven and Viper are. Flames engulf the stage, creating a wall between us, and them.

"Raven!" I call to her.

"Stay away from me murderer." She growls. My eyes widen in shock.

"Raven, what are you talking about?" I respond.

"You killed my mother."

"What...Raven I wouldn't ever do that!"

"You're a liar and a traitor." Her voice cuts through my soul. A dagger lays on my left, and I pick it up. Juniper looks at me.

"What are you going to do?" She questions. If I aim for Viper, he might force Raven into its path. Aiming for the wizard could break whatever spell he used, but there's always the chance that it won't, and then I'll never break it. That's when I remember something Raven once told me.

"I need you to promise me something Calem."


"Protect my people. If anything happens to me, you have to protect them."

"Nothing will happen to you."

"That wizard will return, and I can't let him use me to get to you or anyone else. You have to promise me that you will stop him, no matter the cost."

"Raven, what are you asking?"

"Do whatever means necessary. Even if it's killing me. My life is not worth all those people who could be targeted or hurt."


"Promise me. Please. I need to know someone will protect them."

".....I promise."

The wizard appears in front of me.

"Poor lost little prince. With your father so sick, if you were to die, Viper could claim the crown and give me what I desire. His bloodlust suits my plan perfectly." The wizard laughs.

"Why force him to marry her though?" I look to Raven, as beautiful as the day I met her.

"She's a princess. It gives him jurisdiction to the throne. If the people know he is powerful and able to produce an heir, they will accept him." The wizard explains.

"Good. That makes this worth it." I lift the knife.

"I'm so sorry Raven, but I will keep your promise." I murmur, and throw the knife with all I have. Instead of piercing her heart, the knife lands squarely in the chest of someone else. The body falls to the floor, and I hear Raven and Juniper gasp.

"Gale?" Juniper yells.

"The King set me free.....I had to make up for how much I hurt Raven. I did love her. I truly did..." His voice fades, and Raven drops to her knees beside him.

"Thank you." She whispers, and kisses his forehead. When she stands, I expect her to attack me for killing Gale, but she instead turns to Viper. She holds up the knife that was in Gale's chest, and quickly slices Viper's throat. She whirls to the wizard and does the same, and they both collapse. The wall of flames dies out, and I run over to her, Juniper and the others close behind.

"I killed them...." Raven breathes.

"Raven it's alright." I reach for her, but something in her eyes causes me to stop.

"I'm a murderer....I killed them."

"You were protecting yourself."

"No, I killed them out of rage and spite. I'm no leader. I'm sorry." Tears slide down her cheeks, and it kills me to see her like this. She's been hurt too many times. She doesn't deserve this. Her body trembles and she raises the knife to her chest.

"I don't deserve to live. I'm sorry." As she prepares to plunge the knife into her heart, I knock her hands away and pull her into my arms.

"You are amazing, wonderful, and the greatest leader I know. You're my moon, making my day brighter no matter what time of day it is.  You make me feel as if I have no restraints holding me back from anything." I murmur and hold her, and she lets out quiet sobs.

"We have to get her home. The hub will help her feel better." Juniper adds. I nod and hold Raven close as I carry her to the stables. Viper and the wizard wiped out every elf here, so the six of us are alone.

On the trek home, Raven has become unresponsive, and refuses to eat. All of us have taken turns watching over her, and it drains our morale that she is like this. I want to help her, and it's killing me that I can't. I miss her voice, her smile, the way she moved so gracefully. We finally reach the mountain, and Aster races to greet us.

"You found her!" She cries. Raven looks right through her, as if she isn't there. Her eyes search mine but I shake my head. Sighing, she turns to me.

"Calem, I'm sorry to tell you this, but your father died. The town is in anarchy."

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