L・Ballet Recital

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You were currently at home getting your 6 year old daughter Faith ready for her first ballet recital.

"Come here Faith baby." You said motioning your index finger. She walked over to you looking down at her ballet slippers. You could tell she was nervous.

"It's okay baby girl. I know you're nervous, but you're going to do great." You encourage, kissing her cheek and giving her hug.

"Thanks mommy. Is daddy coming to see me dance?" She asked you. Any event that involved Faith, she wanted you and Odell to be there. Mainly because she wanted y'all to be together like a big happy family, even though you and Odell weren't together.

"Yes he is. He promised you right?" She nodded her head. "Right, and he usually stick to his promises so, don't worry."


"Alright. Let's get ready to go now." You smiled, putting your purse over your shoulder and taking Faith's hand.


It was now 5 minutes before Faith's recital and Odell was no where to be found. You blew up his phone with texts, calls, and voicemails.

You dialed Odell's number once again and of course, it went to voicemail. "Odell! Faith's recital is about to start! She's expecting you to be here!" You said angrily before hanging ending the call.

10 minutes later the recital was starting. The little ballerinas, including Faith, came out looking beautiful as ever. Faith looked at you smiling but when she noticed Odell wasn't there, a frown appeared.


Two hours later, the recital was over and Odell never showed up. When all the ballerinas were dismissed, Faith walked over to you with a sad expression.

"Hey my beautiful ballerina! You did an awesome job out there baby!" You pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you mommy." She said sadly and looked down. "Daddy never came to see me." Her little voice started to crack, indicting she was about to cry.

"I-I know baby. I'm so sorry." You felt so bad for her. Silent tears left her eyes and rolled down her cheek. You sighed deeply before picking her up and walking out the building.



I pulled out my phone to see what was going on. I had to handle some serious business and I wasn't able to check my phone for anything.

My phone started vibrating and all these messages, missed calls, and voicemails popped up. All from YN. I started to read them.

2:15 p.m.
From: YN
-Don't forget Faith's first recital is today at 3. She's expecting you to be there.

2:40 p.m.
From: YN
-20 minutes till the recital starts and you're still not here.

2:50 p.m.
From: YN
-Odell, Faith really hopes you're gonna be here. Please show up.

3:05 p.m.
From: YN
-Welp it's starting.

5:15 p.m.
From: YN
-Fucking asshole.

Aw damn! I missed my baby's first recital. I promised her I was gonna show up too. Dammit. I gotta buy her something to make her feel better.

So I drove to Toys R Us and I brought her two Barbie dolls. Then I went to buy her favorite candy which were the Skittles Blenders.


I knocked on YN door, waiting for someone to open up the door. About a minute later, I heard the door unlocked and it opened up. When YN saw me, she glared at me and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

"You're an asshole Odell. I hope you know that." She stated bluntly, folding her arms.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, "I was so busy and I forgot YN." She was making me feel worse than I already felt.

"Busy huh? That's all she's been talking about for the last 2 weeks! You promised her!" She pointed back at the door. "Faith was crying because you weren't there to see her! You didn't have to deal with that shit! I did!"

"I'm sorry YN. Can I see her?" I asked. She stepped aside so I walked inside. Faith was on the couch combing the big Barbie head hair. She loves Barbie.

She looked at me then went back to combing. Damn, she's really mad at me. Normally when she sees me, she runs to me and attack me with hugs and kisses. She wasn't doing none of that though.

I sat on the cushion next to her and pulled her on my lap. "Baby doll...Daddy is so sorry he missed your missed your first ballet recital." I apologized.

She looked up at me. "You broke your promise daddy. I wanted you to be there."

"I know baby and I'm sorry I broke that promise. I wanted to be at your recital but I was so busy." I handed her the bag that had the gifts inside. "I brought you some things you might like. I'm truly sorry I missed your ballet recital Faith. I promise I'll be at the next one. I promise you. Whatever's going on that day, I'll cancel it just for your recital." I promised her.

"Thank you daddy." A smile replaced her little frown.

"Now, is there any thing else you want me to do to make you happy?" I asked, with a little chuckle.

She started thinking then finally spoke, "I want you and mommy to love each other again. Kiss her."

YN and I eyes widen. I looked at her, uneasy. Faith tapped me and pointed to YN. I took her off my lap and walked over to YN.

"Look YN, I know when we were together before, we weren't getting along. We always fought, and I always came back home late wasted. I'm sorry ma. But I'm willing for us to try again cause my love for you never left. I always loved you, and I still do. So please YN," I grabbed her hands, and stared into her eyes. "Can we be a thing again? For Faith's sake?"

She exhaled out slowly before nodding her head with a huge smile. "Of course we could be a thing again." I smirked and pulled her close, kissing her passionately.

I felt Faith wrap her arms around the both of us smiling. I picked her up and we all went in for a hug. "Yay! We're all one big happy family again!"


Faith in the MM.
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