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The group began to follow the grounders. They didn't have much weapons so it wasn't very safe for them.

There was one girl who seemed like the boss. She gave orders to all the other grounders. "Is that their queen?" Hayley whispered to Clarke. "I think so." She answered back.

Their leader spoke in a different language but they assumed she knew they were hear. Many grounders moved in different directions. "Can we leave now!" Raven whispered but the group had already decided to run.

"What ever you do make sure those grounders don't know we are here!" Clarke told the group as they were running. Suddenly an arrow hit the tree in front of them. "I think they already figured it out." Octavia's eyes widened.

The group was miles away from the drop ship so they need somewhere to break. "The cave!" Hayley pointed to the cave only steps away.

The quickly got into the cave and blocked the way with a rock. "We need light." Everyone looked around in pitch black. Suddenly Octavia found a match, there was light but not for very long.

"Is there any more?" Hayley asked as the group looked around the floor for matches. "A whole box!" Raven picked up the box with a huge grin. "Perfect." Finn smiled and kissed her.

They all put their jackets together so they could sleep on them since their were no blankets in the cave. "Goodnight." Clarke said as the group feel asleep on the cave ground snuggling each other for warmth.

The next morning Hayley woke up and saw herself and Clarke cuddling. She slowly took Clarke's arm off of her waist. It was comfortable but Hayley was getting up. "Aspen? Where are you going?" Octavia asked as Hayley made her way to the rock covering the hole in the cave. "Just to peak outside." She smiled. You could see from the light amount of light coming in beside the rock.

Hayley quickly and quietly moved the rock with the help of Octavia. They both walked out of the cave. Hayley loved the smell of the fresh air, she took deep breath.

Octavia smiled at her happiness. "You and Clarke are cute." Octavia giggled. "Me and Clarke? No." She tried to hide her blush. "Okay." Octavia continue to giggle as she made her way inside the cave.

Hayley could remember liking girls, in fact she was almost sure she had a boyfriend or a child.
She shook her head knowing that was not possible to forget about you whole family.

Suddenly Hayley was scared by a loud voice. "Why are you out there?" Clarke asked causing Hayley to jump. "Sorry." Clarke said realizing she scared her. "Just getting some fresh air." She turned to face her with a smile. "We should start walking up." She said loud enough for the other to hear.

Soon enough Raven, Finn, and Octavia made their way out of the cave, ready for their mile journey. As they walked, Hayley ran names threw her head trying to think of people she used to know. She finally heard something familiar, 'hope'. She couldn't think of what the name meant to her, if it was a best friend, child, mother, grandmother, or middle name. She just knew that name meant something.

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